ICONIC Esports Moments: EVO Moment 37 – "The Daigo Parry" (Street Fighter)【DaiGoまとめ】

In the history of esports, certain highlights have managed to transcend games – plays so incredible that no fan, regardless of …


「ICONIC Esports Moments: EVO Moment 37 – "The Daigo Parry" (Street Fighter)【DaiGoまとめ】」への40件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Hey everyone – thank you all so much for watching the video! This was our first foray outside of LoL/Dota 2/CS:GO for the Iconic series, and your response has been frankly overwhelming. It’s amazing to hear that so many non-fighting game fans can appreciate this classic esports moment and can understand its significance.

    We've got lots of amazing stuff planned for the future, so please keep the feedback coming – we aim to bring you great content each and every time!

    – Nic

  2. より:

    The moment he started the parry, the crowd forgot who they were cheering for and accepted the brilliance of the moment.

  3. より:

    I think the traditional sports equivalent of this is goading Stephy Curry who has been on fire to take a three from his sweet spot in the final seconds , only to block him , get the ball and then casually nailing down a three yourself.

  4. より:

    with daigo 1 strike away from defeat just threw out chun li's Hoyokusen super a 15 strike attack, he figured daigo would drop an input gambling that the beast wouldnt be perfect in 1 split second, he was WONG

  5. より:

    2:47 "he was wrong" GOD the chills. I'm crying every time I watch and hear this.

  6. より:

    wait like rocket jump justin song

  7. より:

    wait justin wong as in THEE justin wong

  8. より:

    He got sick and tired from losing to the ult finishing move to the point where he decided to parry every bit

  9. より:

    i Love this Moment so much and booth of them Justin and Daigo are Legends for me

  10. より:

    One of my fave videos, I swear whenever I think of this gaming moment I feel joy inside, and this video does a great recap of its importance and the absolute mastery of Daigo to pull this off.

  11. より:

    Greatest eSports moment. Insane energy, great symbolism.

  12. より:

    Why does Daigo look so dead inside?

  13. より:

    This is when Daigo became a god

  14. より:

    goosebumps, everytime I watch this

  15. より:

    What made it more epic is Daigo did it again for shits and giggles.

  16. より:

    So iconic, feels so good to see that mid-air ko

  17. より:

    Everytime i watch this, the back of my throat hurts and my eyes water. What a masterpiece! Im jealous of the people who were there to witness this historic event! <3 <3 <3

  18. より:

    That was amazing because it was instinctive brilliance.

  19. より:

    he thinks that "THE BEAST" will not be perfect in split seconds, he was Wong. lets go JUSTIN!

  20. より:

    Didnt know ed sheeran was a gamer @ 3:53

  21. より:

    If the world ends leave this tape in a vault so them mfn aliens can admire a true LEGEND

  22. より:

    My man came with Sharingan !

  23. より:

    Welcome back again.

  24. より:


  25. より:

    Closest we get to an actual Ultra Instinct

  26. より:

    A statue of his hands should be built in his honor.

  27. より:

    "Daigo Parry" better be a sound byte in SF6!! if someone pulls that off in a game.

  28. より:

    Undoubtedly one of the greatest and the most iconic moment of eSports ever

  29. より:

    For them it was Amazing, for Daigo it was Tuesday

  30. より:

    0:10 "think of dota 2's the plague." lmao, what?

  31. より:

    I feel like I just watched a movie, how was that only 5 minuets? Well done and your script was fantastic.

  32. より:

    Is there a full stream of evo04 somewhere ?

  33. より:

    For SFVI, I hope they get Chun-Li to shout out "Let's go Justin!" when she launches her super.

  34. より:

    still the best moment in esports history

  35. より:

    Now do it with Dudley instead of Ken…

  36. より:

    The only play that rivals this is the “this is rocket league” play in my opinion

  37. より:

    A single fucking tear left my eyes, I shivered, and I don't even play fighting games. Its just incredible. As in if it wasn't on videos, people could not believe it happened.

  38. より:

    amazing how come i didnt see this 15 years ago 😀

  39. より:

    The fact those two legendary players recreated that play shows that the play was 100% skill, 0% luck.

  40. より:

    japones tenia que ser ese modo es legend
