Get Ready With Me: Date Night | Makeup, Hair & Outfit【DaiGoまとめ】

“Let all that you do be done in love” – 1 Corinthians 16:14 ❤ EXPAND ME FOR MORE GOODNESS 🙂 ❤ ❤ Can we get this video …


「Get Ready With Me: Date Night | Makeup, Hair & Outfit【DaiGoまとめ】」への22件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    She is a beautiful and gorgeous woman

  2. より:

    LOVE IT ❤️

  3. より:


  4. より:

    Beautiful …

  5. より:

    I love do that can u do more

  6. より:

    Cool makeup but this video has the shittiest music you could find on the internet

  7. より:

    You actually look better without the makeup in my opinion.

  8. より:

    What did you use the set the maybelline age rewinder concealer after you applied it? Thanks!!

  9. より:

    u look so different without makeup

  10. より:

    wow super

  11. より:

    Is it me or did she go a couple shades darker with the foundation?

  12. より:

    whats the name of the song?! and super cute makeup btw

  13. より:

    The first song is annoying as hell btw you're hella cute

  14. より:

    i'm really sorry, but you got really ugly and terrifying. before that you were beautiful

  15. より:

    so fab! COOL XD

  16. より:

    you look more beautiful with no make, and when you apply makeup you look like someone eles just.

  17. より:

    das makeup ist so Garnicht deine Farbe du brauchst eine etwas hellere

  18. より:

    Love this dress on you! ❤️

  19. より:

    where are your boots from?!?!

  20. より:

    why is this in my suggestions. And, secondly, girl, why so much effort? it makes people tired and its not so attractive as many think. Whatevah!

  21. より:

    I'm trying to find a cute dress like this but a little longer just a over the knee and I can't find any! Help
