8 Big Movie Cliffhangers That Will Never Be Resolved【DaiGoまとめ】

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「8 Big Movie Cliffhangers That Will Never Be Resolved【DaiGoまとめ】」への46件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Unbreakable did end up having a sequel…2 actually. Split doesn't look like a sequel until an end credit scene with Bruce Willis. Then came Mr. Glass. I think this video came out before Split, so we can forgive the missing info. I actually own all 3 movies, but so far have only seen Split.

  2. より:

    At the end of Buckaroo Bonzai a sequel is advertised.

  3. より:

    Godzilla The Animated Series was a Spinoff of the Godzilla movie.

  4. より:

    Unbreakable, Split and Glass.

  5. より:

    Leaving a film unresolved is lazy writing, shows the writer didn't know how to finish it.

  6. より:

    The REAL reason movies endings are left unresolved is…

  7. より:

    #1. The Italian Job. He slowly passes the gold to the front of the bus. This will take some time to complete, so they didn't show it. #2. Predators. Brody's movie was/is Arnold's movie with a different actor. He survives the movie after a Predator arm bomb destroys a city block worth of forrest, The second movie would consist of him finding a way off of the Planet and fighting Predators and maybe Aliens. The third movie would be on the Spaceship that he and his love interest boosted at the end of the Second movie. #3. The Thing. The Sequel to this movie? The last two characters fight their way through an Alaskan town with new types of Aliens in a videogame. #4. Godzilla. What else, in movie two her kid fights a new version of Mothra while destroying Conney Island. #5. Unbreakable. Go watch Split and Glass the Second and Third movies of the Trilogy. #6. The green Lantern. Go read a Comic Book. Marvel has some reading material you need to look into. #7. Spider-Man 2. See $6. #8. Planet of The Apes. The person playing the bad guy in this movie was released by a female subordinate who nursed him back to health. He later figured out how to use the space ship's tech, repaired one of the shuttles in the ship, went back in time, rewrote history, and Walberg's character is up a shit creek. Are these right? These are my best guesses just so the dude talking can have closure.

  8. より:

    Halloween Resurrection

  9. より:

    Kurt Russell'S name is not Mac" READY!!!!!!" Name sounds like "tree"….Mic Reed e!!!!! Do you guys even watch movies?

  10. より:

    OUCH that pronunciation of McCready. Come on guys that name should be a basic info for a entertainment channel, how do even let that happen?

  11. より:

    in 2020, we now know, Spider Man 3 is coming and Doc Oc is back!! (same for Spidey Movies 1 – 3)

  12. より:

    Gone With The Wind.

  13. より:

    I'm tired of people crapping on Green Lantern! It was a decent movie. People like to crap on Man Of Steel too, even though Man of Steel is the best Superman movie hands down.

  14. より:

    My question is why was there never a Galaxy Quest 2 because the death of the antagonist and the crushing of the spaceship on Earth should have automatically generated a Galaxy Quest 2

  15. より:

    Haha and spiderman

  16. より:

    Well this didn't age well, unbreakable now has 2 sequels

  17. より:

    actually the ending of godzilla was to set up the cartoon series where they raise the last baby n it treats the movie's main character as its mom. it only got 1 season on Fox but it ended with the baby Fighting it's Cyborg mommy

  18. より:

    The remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers

  19. より:

    My theory for Godzilla Is the baby did survive and grew into another godzilla/zilla and was ultimately killed off in Godzilla destory all monsters when Godzilla went and killed the American Godzilla I'm a matter of seconds

  20. より:


  21. より:

    3:28 Ha ha ha, made my day. XD

  22. より:

    The Mortal Cup, The Golden Compass and Eragon were supposed to be part of a multi-movie story. But since the first movies didn’t do very well, the other movies never got made. The Shadow Hunters TV show takes The Mortal Cup and reboots the franchise on Netflix and His Dark Materials on HBO is set to take The Golden Compass and reboot that franchise. I just hope they don’t butcher either of these great franchises. I don’t have an update on the Eragon cinematic franchise yet.

  23. より:

    Its a fucking bus.

  24. より:

    Theres a theory for Predators that has to do with the newest Predator movie that came out, should probably help the cliffhanger

  25. より:

    Have to update this list now

  26. より:

    This one is outdated now, unbreackable is sovled ^^

  27. より:

    Godzilla HAD a sequel in the animated series, which was actually good!

  28. より:

    Who’s watching this after glass is out

  29. より:

    Planet of the Apes is worse than you think. The placard on the 'Lincoln' memorial shows that it us Thaid, the villianous ape from the furure, so even if Marky Mark went back in time, it's not just apes, but hoe did THAID get there?

  30. より:

    You forget about The Grey

  31. より:

    Are you not allowed to say “Mr. Glass”?

  32. より:

    Haha check one movie off this list

  33. より:

    Aperaham Lincoln…

  34. より:

    Unbreakable solved!!!!! NEVER say never!

  35. より:

    The Village was good the internet needs to get off it's back

  36. より:

    Yo fix this vid mate! Unbreakable is getting resolved.

  37. より:

    The only one that I'd really wrong on this list is Godzilla. They actually made a Saturday Morning cartoon where baby Godzilla get raised by and helps the main character fight other big bads. It was an enjoyable cartoons.

  38. より:

    Just to set the record, Godzilla: The Series was released a year after TriStar’s Godzilla, and stars the surving Zilla Jr as the main monster. This is beacause a sequel featuring that Zilla Jr against “Queen Bitch” was scrapped.

  39. より:

    Almost all your entries are wrong. The Thing isn't a cliffhanger, it has an open-ending, a sequel isn't remotely hinted at. Unbreakable HAS an explanation for MR. GLASS's motives, (not Mr. Fragile, you asshats) and its that he found is binary counterpart, or rather the hero, himself taking the role of villain.

  40. より:


  41. より:

    If you pay attention to the end of the Thing, Childs is the Thing, you don't see his breath from the cold, but you see Mcready's prevalently. This could not be just an oversight because they filmed the scene in a studio that hey had turned into a giant freezer. That means the breath coming out of the Thing was the same temperature or close to it as the air outside which means childs could not be human.

  42. より:

    Why? Aperaham Lincoln….. that's why…….

  43. より:

    Predators had a comic sequel that continued the story. The Thing had a video game sequel that continued the story. Godzilla had a cartoon series that continued the story. Unbreakable has a sequel coming out soon(I'll forgive whatculture this one because this video is from 2 years ago).

  44. より:

    Meh, I mean if you must solve the baby American Godzilla cliffhanger, then just tell yourself it's the one proper Godzilla kills in one of the Japanese movies. I forgot which one though, but I'm sure someone will comment below which one it was

  45. より:

    Italian Job: get off the bus then go down the gorge for the gold.  Easy.

  46. より:

    Little did they know, number kinda fucked…
