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「BrolyLegs: The Fighter【DaiGoまとめ】」への40件のフィードバック

  1. より:


  2. より:

    If anyone didn’t know, he started playing smash bros with his brother competitively introducing him to the FGC, if anyone isn’t familiar with SSBM go ahead and look it up, one of the old greats left, beautiful game

  3. より:

    Ar least his parents could never tell him to get a job or stop playing games abs get a life lol. Good for you

  4. より:

    Dude showed us "Don't blame the controller if you suck."

  5. より:

    I could never imagined a guy would use his mouth to play a controller for a fighting game and be a champion of a hero. But… wow. May you cuddle with DBS Broly anytime pals. Through and through

  6. より:

    Came here to be reminded that in a sea of Modern players none of them can touch BrolyLegs' level of git gud

  7. より:

    This guy is fantastic

  8. より:

    Never give up

  9. より:

    absolute giga chad

  10. より:

    This dude bodied LTG easily

  11. より:

    Awesome beyond human imagination, just watching him is inspiring!

  12. より:

    What's your controller setup, I gotta know.

  13. より:

    This man is amazing

  14. より:

    I'm not fuckin' crying, you are! Found this cat watching dreamhack SF6 today and came to see what it was all about. This dude is the fucking goat.

  15. より:

    ltg enters the chat:

  16. より:

    The kraang is wild

  17. より:

    Man, what an inspirational guy. That shows that dedication can overcome everything!

  18. より:

    Mi padre

  19. より:


  20. より:

    this is awesome

  21. より:

    I remember the time he shat on ltg and then offered to give him lessons afterward, fucking legend.

  22. より:

    i ran into this guy on tiktok, so i had to say hi!!! 😀

  23. より:

    The hero of many for his absolute destruction of LTG.

  24. より:

    Proof that humankind can adapt to everything

  25. より:

    This is the true diversity that is actualy good.

  26. より:

    Respect this guy

  27. より:


  28. より:

    "what that mouth do" but it's supportive and a genuine question on how good this guy can play street fighter with his mouth

  29. より:

    First off, fuckin legend. What an absolute Chad. Second, I would kill to see like an x-Ray cam of his mouth while he’s playing.

  30. より:

    He's part of the reason I don't take it easy on people even then my version of taking it easy is to stop playing for a few seconds because everything else is reflex plus noone ever took it easy on me not even my own dad but in my head if you can pick up the controller you can play the game

  31. より:

    all these beautiful comments – well played gamers

  32. より:

    BrolyLegs, B.W Sven and TortexGamer. Great guys

  33. より:

    Is that "Arrival to Earth" from Transformers?

  34. より:

    I like his voice. He should definitely be cast for voice acting on a cartoon or show

  35. より:

    When I saw this guy, I remember my uncle that I grow up with. They both have the same disease and even very similar body shade and conditions. I grow up with my uncle, one of the most optimistic guy, never once complain about his condition and always living life like everyone else. Unfortunately I lost him about 10 yrs ago. But seeing this guy really bring back lots of my memory. I hope he continue what he's doing, You are a true living legend!

  36. より:

    Wow, an inspiration to all those whining losers that are COMPLETE and cant do crap….

  37. より:

    This dude is godlike

  38. より:

    "If I can do it, you can do it too!" – Brolylegs.

  39. より:

    Today is the first time I heard of this guy and I am touched

  40. より:

    still can't believe this is a thing. dudes incredible
