Hikaru uses a few subscriber games to teach the London System Opening ♟️ LEARN CHESS & PLAY WITH ME …


「Learn the London with Hikaru【ヒカルまとめ】」への38件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Although I made horrible, horrible move to take knight on h7, I am super, super happy to see our guy reviewing my game, I cannot state it enough. Thank you very much!

  2. より:

    I really like Hikaru's lecture. Very well spoken.

  3. より:

    am I the only one who watches hikaru's videos at 0.5 speed?

  4. より:

    London system is very good.

  5. より:

    Hikaru really never fails to teach us! Nice London ♟️

  6. より:

    i am hikaru i am hikaru

  7. より:

    why levy has 2,3 milion vievs and hikaru one of the best players rn has 0,5 milion vievs

  8. より:

    Please anyone on Queens Gambit

  9. より:

    I like this video so much, thank you

  10. より:

    Thanks Hikaru I captured a knight towards the center rather than the queen away from the center

  11. より:

    You need to go to a speed reading course, and a speed talking course while at it….. LOL
    Thanks for the vid

  12. より:


  13. より:

    Hey Hikaru! shut up, nerd.

  14. より:

    nice break from ochem cram on 2x speed

  15. より:

    I just don't understand why nearly 1500 rated players with hours of time make stupid moves such as losing tempo attempting useless check in the opening or capturing eith pawn away from the center. I am barely 1000 rated and nearly all my opponents NEVER make these mistakes…. Am I the only 1000 rated player that get matched up with fundamentally strong 1000s??

  16. より:

    Getting free advice for my favorite opening is always nice. Thanks Hikaru.

  17. より:

    Why so many youtube videos about this opening? Would love this kind of thing on the scotch or Italian game, but most of those videos are older. Look up opening for white and almost all of them are the London. Is this really the best opening for a beginner? I was looking for E.4 content, but this looks way more popular, so now im starting to wonder if this is what i should focus on instead.

  18. より:

    I didn't even know that the London has a specific setup that you want, I am learning so much, thank you Hikaru

  19. より:

    thank you so much it was a great explanation

  20. より:

    Waiting one day Hikaru review my game too..
    I only know one opening and that's London System

    When that day will come when I will see my video here

  21. より:

    Me: "Mom can we have Gotham chess?"
    Mom: "We have Gotham chess at home"

  22. より:

    Hikaru is a poor teacher for someone who isn't a chess genius. It like being coached by Michael Jordan.

  23. より:

    This was timely.

  24. より:

    332 thousand people have turned to the dark side of the force

  25. より:

    Learn the London by Ding !!

  26. より:

    Can you do one where you show what to do when you play against someone who plays like it’s checkers and takes every piece they can immediately?

  27. より:


  28. より:

    Ding learnt the London 🙂

  29. より:

    Hikaru looks like a royal body guard (the thumbnail)

  30. より:

    This man is about to make me the GM of my Thursday night chess club.

  31. より:

    "Soldier , I built the pyramid what do i do next" – A boring chess player

  32. より:

    My fav chess player

  33. より:

    The classic lobster pincer checkmate oh of course my favorite one

  34. より:

    nobody knows this is call pereyra attack not london

  35. より:

    Inaccurate when you play the London you shouldn't even have a queen.

  36. より:

    I’m lost after d4

  37. より:


  38. より:

    watching this in .5x speed and drooling like an ape
