Gucci Oura Ring sleep tracker! #shorts【DaiGoまとめ】

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「Gucci Oura Ring sleep tracker! #shorts【DaiGoまとめ】」への25件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Umm definitely prefer the original old one

  2. より:

    Good grief.

  3. より:

    Go Go Go Justine rock on hope you have fun

  4. より:

    Hi what‘s size you wearing?

  5. より:

    Too bulky and it’s uncomfortable I returned it.

  6. より:

    I feel bad for materialists who worship Gucci and these other garbage brands. It’s all for their ego

  7. より:

    1200 minimum

  8. より:

    Ugly thick ring

  9. より:

    omg its gucci!! omgggg!!!!

  10. より:

    What's the point of wearing this and a smartwatch as well?

  11. より:

    Smart watch does all the same and then some

  12. より:

    The original gold plate ring looks much better

  13. より:

    Girl u need some sleepppp

  14. より:

    are you going to wwdc 2022?

  15. より:

    hello what about the sony wh1000 xm5s

  16. より:

    When you were ring you look attractive

  17. より:

    Congrats on 7 million subscribers!!!!! Well I was actually the 7th million subscriber 🙂 love your vids

  18. より:

    you're sooo close to 7 mil

  19. より:

    Paid review channel

  20. より:


  21. より:

    Love this ring. How do you like making short videos? Some YouTubers do mostly shorts.

  22. より:

    6.99 million subscribers noice

  23. より:


  24. より:


  25. より:

    Keep Going. I love that
