Lauren Daigle – Hold On To Me (Official Music Video)【DaiGoまとめ】

The official music video for “Hold On To Me” by Lauren Daigle. Each room within this video is actually connected to different …


「Lauren Daigle – Hold On To Me (Official Music Video)【DaiGoまとめ】」への17件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    beautiful praise valorous lady

  2. より:

    Thank you ❤❤❤

  3. より:

    Amazing ❤❤

  4. より:

    This song can change my heart no matter what I am going thru….thank god for everyday

  5. より:


  6. より:

    Our lesson that i believe is why we are here, is to simply build connections with one another. Not to take each other for granted. Money, clothes and cars DONT MEAN ANYTHING! LOVE ONE ANOTHER! ❤❤❤

  7. より:

    Bless you

  8. より:

    Such a powerful song!!

  9. より:

    I lost my father to cancer today. Thank God for Lauren Daigle her music playing in my head gave me strength I never knew I had

  10. より:

    Get that everyone is stuck everyone trying to figure a way through that wall and everyone trying to correct their means of own destruction thing is God is the only way of means to overcome everything

  11. より:

    This song has not only made me amazed, but bewildered❤

  12. より:

    This helps with my depression

  13. より:

    Absolutely written from the heart……a tear jerker for sure.

  14. より:

    Deep down in the oozes of sin

    A light appears


    What is this?

    He is rolling up His sleeves!

    Then without hesitation He plunges in His arms even up to His shoulders and offers His hands

    Only reach out Believe

  15. より:

    Fantastic voice!

  16. より:

    grandpa 's last song in kwa zulu natal ❤

  17. より:

