Hikaru's Priceless Reaction When He Realized Nepo is Winning AGAIN【ヒカルまとめ】

Replay the Full Stream – https://youtu.be/6Q-hrRJToi4 It’s time for the world’s best chess players to battle it out at the 2022 FIDE …


「Hikaru's Priceless Reaction When He Realized Nepo is Winning AGAIN【ヒカルまとめ】」への45件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Which color is Nepo

  2. より:


  3. より:

    Can we please have an entire chess tournament where the entire commentary is Hikaru's facial expressions?

  4. より:

    wtf was that face LOL

  5. より:

    You can tell Hikaru is only thinking kind and peaceful thoughts about everyone who is not him.

  6. より:

    Context? Not every viewer follows chess players and tournaments

  7. より:

    Me encanta el hecho de que a Hikaru le gustan las cámaras, y siempre finja analizar una posición y hacer caras raras.

  8. より:

    This part of his personality made half of his streamer career tbh

  9. より:

    This camera angle is like the national geographic capturing behaviour of some super rare creature in wild life

  10. より:

    those facial reactions from Hikaru are priceless. that is a talent

  11. より:

    He should get an Oscar for sure

  12. より:

    hahhahaahah i like your teacher watching you fail the examn

  13. より:

    What a disrespectful childish behaviour. Nakamura sucks, i really dont understand why people like him. Luckily he literally doesnt care 🙂

  14. より:

    Hikaru knows the attention he gets from reacting in front of the cameras, he is a professional streamer. That's why he doesn't care about trying to beat Nepo/winning the cadidates. The reactions are aways entertaining tho.

  15. より:

    not funny anymore, little childish tbh

  16. より:

    hikaru winning the emotion game

  17. より:

    Interesting facts:Nobody knows and care who is he.Most of all came here to learn about chess.

  18. より:

    Hikaru is doing this with the intention of farming clips.

  19. より:


  20. より:

    It looks like this guy has some great knowledge of chess. I hope someday he becomes a super GM.

  21. より:


  22. より:

    I love how Japanese are always so expressive

  23. より:

    He is the ronnie sullivan of chess. Doesn't look like he's hiding cheese in his snooker queue bag though

  24. より:

    Ahh man,this was brilliant and will never get old

  25. より:

    hahahaha hes funny

  26. より:

    I think he just care, chat

  27. より:

    We got our own Drama Queen in Chess !

  28. より:

    I can't wait for the Hikaru reacts video to this

  29. より:

    Hikaru: trash gameplay.

    Proceeds to blunder big time v radja

  30. より:

    Hikaru is the most funniest one …

  31. より:

    Cuando salgo de mi examen de matemáticas y veo a mi amigo resolviendo su examen.

  32. より:

    His always pulling faces. I’ve also noticed when it’s not his move, he plays with shit, like really annoying for his opponents. Watch him, after he moves next time, every move he does it.

  33. より:

    Meanwhile , Hikaru keeps on throwing funny and ridiculous facial expressions while Rapport working hard his way out not to lose the game. haha

  34. より:


  35. より:

    For as boring as most people think chess is, there are definitely some characters at the top of the game lol

  36. より:

    This one here is reason enough on why people want him to win the Candidates…

    Imagine him vs Magnus the most Meme'd WC chess match

  37. より:

    He cold have also taken Nepo's coat…

  38. より:

    Dicaprio like expressions from Hikaru

  39. より:

    i am crying. his faces lmao. thats the same faces i make when i smell shit hahahahaha

  40. より:


  41. より:

    LOL love the personalities on display at these tournies.

  42. より:

    They are not allowed to talk, so they use face expressions xD

  43. より:

    It's like Aronian vs. Howell all over again

  44. より:

    hikaru real life react andy

  45. より:

    He knows that he is being filmed, thats why he always do that quirky facial reactions
