Chun-Li vs. Vega | Fight scene from "Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie" (1994)【DaiGoまとめ】

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「Chun-Li vs. Vega | Fight scene from "Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie" (1994)【DaiGoまとめ】」への31件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    This is what an actual strong, independent woman looks like. Absolute peak of femininity.

  2. より:

    This was the most deserved ass whooping in the entire movie. Vega was so deranged, he deserved every last one of them kicks to the face. I also love how she worked out that since he had the size advantage, to exploit his weakness by disfiguring his face. The blind rage he felt from that completely clouded his judgement and allowed her to keep her wits about her!

  3. より:

    Vega est vraiment l'homme le plus chanceux de tous les temps. Le hasard a fait qu'aux moment de l'attaque Chun li sorte juste de la douche, qu'il soit tombé sur plus fort que lui et qu'elle arrive à lui venir à bout et que pour porter le coup final elle décide de viser son visage et comme méthode de frappe elle choisi d'utiliser ses deux pieds. Le résultat est qu'aux moment de l'impact il s'est retrouvé avec le visage complètement englobé par toute la surface de la plante de ses pieds sans qu'il est eut besoin de lui demander. Et beaucoup de personnes paieraient très cher pour vivre une telle expérience.

  4. より:

    the shower scene before was the best

  5. より:

    Based on fighting skill rankings from professional SF2 players around the world, Vegas is probably ranked at 3rd or 4th from the top behind 1st Bison and 2nd Guile. It's his playfulness and underestimation caused him to lose and be dead. Chun Li was absolutely playing beyond her level even was attacked by Vegas without any warning. You can tell how decidedly and resolutely she was defending her life. Congrats, Chun Li beat the crap out of bad, sadist guy Vegas.

  6. より:

    what song is that oml

  7. より:


  8. より:

    That dodge and snap-up at 0:22 represents a successful Intimidate check. Chun-Li clearly attacked with disadvantage and got countered hard.

  9. より:

    1:17 i wasnt expecting that lol

  10. より:

    KMFD rocks

  11. より:

    This voice actress deserves all the awards

  12. より:

    Damn… he ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 3

  13. より:

    HE's the reason one of my weird commentary lines when I play fighting games is "AH, MY FACE! MY SWEET FACE!!"

  14. より:

    I was actually so stressed watching this, I really didn't want her to lose this fight!

  15. より:

    Chun lee sempre fraca

  16. より:

    Jojo reference at the end

  17. より:

    Leave her alone!

  18. より:

    Animation was so good

  19. より:

    All the panty and ass shots had me thinking "I'D LIKE SOME POUND CAKE!"

  20. より:

    What I thought was interesting is that they both rival each other in terms of flexibility. Vega was surprised at the stunt she pulled during that ceiling thing, like yeah man, she a gymnast just like you, didn't you know what?

  21. より:

    The amount of upshot

  22. より:

    it should have been me, not him. its not fair

  23. より:

    Eso el anime en sus mejores tiempos…una obra de arte

  24. より:


  25. より:

    This is horrible in english lmao. Japanese version has a super iconic song and really increases the drama..

  26. より:

    I know why most of you watched this video… and it ain't Chun-Li's facial experssions you were looking at.

  27. より:

    I still think Vega shouldve won here

  28. より:

    todays lesson is: fear chun li´s legs

  29. より:

    Tenía que ser un español acosando a una china xD

  30. より:

    Just shows who is the real master here
    She was smaller than him yet was able to over power him
    True warrior!
