Food Truck | Awkward Puppets【DaiGoまとめ】



「Food Truck | Awkward Puppets【DaiGoまとめ】」への20件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Like this video if you aren't a vegan.

  2. より:

    As a mexican I love he is Mexican too. Finally the one making sense in the US, happens to be Mexican.

  3. より:

    Raw, vegan, gluten free? I would have to be extremely hungry with no other food in sight or time

  4. より:

    This is not food

  5. より:

    Do you hate happiness?
    This got me. Hahaha

  6. より:

    Why spinach instead of tortilla? Tortilla is not an animal product.

  7. より:

    A scarily realistic depiction of the future.

  8. より:

    It s good for vegan food
    Not for… food food


  9. より:

    Im vegan. I eat better than this. You will starve with this food lol.

  10. より:

    Why intentionally be gluten free when you don't have a gluten intolerance?

    What do these people think gluten is?

  11. より:

    This is bloody amazing, omg

  12. より:

    i tried meditation n slept fo three days

  13. より:

    Diego speaking the true

  14. より:

    No do u make your problems go away..hahahaha

  15. より:


  16. より:

    Diego absorbs no knowledge

  17. より:

    most sane vegan:

  18. より:

    "So it's a salad, wrapped in a salad, with a side of salad?"

  19. より:

    I’m a vegetarian.
    Though the cauliflower burger sounds tasty with a seeded bun… and maybe some vegan or non process cheese. As long as it’s filling, I’ll enjoy it!

  20. より:

    Diego should’ve said tequila it comes from the guava plant it’s organic why don’t you have it or a shot of vodka it comes from a potato it’s organic and a beer hops and barley It is organic but when you drink it, it is orgasmic. I will buy you a shot. Just don’t tell Bonita.
