Nintendo NX Launch "A Mistake" + Lupe Fiasco/Daigo Match Fixed? + Wolverine Rated R – The Know【DaiGoまとめ】

Wow – that’s a big load of news! Analysts are warning Nintendo not to launch the NX this year, Rapper Lupe Fiasco and Street …


「Nintendo NX Launch "A Mistake" + Lupe Fiasco/Daigo Match Fixed? + Wolverine Rated R – The Know【DaiGoまとめ】」への47件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Most of these 'news' articles are literally years out of date…

  2. より:

    why is she by her self?

  3. より:

    I'm more interested in the new Nintendo console than I am with VR.

  4. より:

    She don't know

  5. より:

    Releasing too close to the PlayStation is one of the reasons of the Wii U's … not doing very well thing.

  6. より:

    why so many dislikes?? oh yeah because they talked down on the best console this gen the WiiU …retards I surely hope they do not call them selves gamers.

  7. より:

    Analysts then: Wii U was a mistake.
    Analysts now: NX is a mistake.

    Damn, analysts, where's your chill?

  8. より:

    VR will be a fail if they keep that high price and high demand on hardware

  9. より:

    i love it, that mice part, literally a plotline from south park, when mr/s garrison wants to get a sex change to go back to being a male so scientists grow a dick on the back of a mouse its much funnier than it sounds haha

  10. より:

    No! Don't stop talking about you and me!

  11. より:

    why does everyone on youtube have this need to talk news and throw in a whole bunch of nonsense sarcastic remarks and not funny jokes, useless banter. fucking annoying as hell.NEWSFLASH it isn't fucking funny, you sound dumb and your writers are dumb. Id rather just watch what I need to know in a minute long video so I can go back to doing nothing.

  12. より:

    i hate the fact that people use SAO as the go to video game anime for all that shit

  13. より:

    I wonder how the Sword Art VR game is going to turn out. How large it will actually be and how good it'll look…

  14. より:

    Crazy fact. Black people have zero Neanderthal Dna because they never left Africa to have sex with Neanderthals so only white people and Asians have neantherthal Dna. Now since people mix like crazy and tons of black Americans have white blood in them things are different for them and the same can be said about people from South America who are mix

  15. より:

    If the NX is as powerful as rumours say then it will not be a mistake. Also some say VR will not be a hit

  16. より:

    Meg's hot. Search Meg Turney NSFW. Best search ever…!

  17. より:

    Yeah, but the thing is… VR IS EXPENSIVE AS SHIT!

  18. より:

    Fuck, that bitch with the fake glasses is annoying. Shut up, lady.

  19. より:

    Wait a minute,
    nicotine addiction is a neanderthal trait!?


  20. より:

    Star Citizen is like Exalted 3E :/

  21. より:

    … is anyone surprised a hype match was fixed?

  22. より:

    God damnit, Gavin.

  23. より:

    So releasing the system in 2016 would be a bad idea because the system wouldn't really sell until 2017? Because of VR?
    So instead of getting a jump on 2017 with holiday sales this year to feed into next year, they should wait until next year. Ok. And we all know that VR is just going to only release stuff in 2016. 2017, screw it. They aren't going to put anything new out. No new, cheaper setups.
    I don't even want an NX. I've moved on from Nintendo when they have done what specific IPs have done and just milked the living crap out of their property. Except Nintendo does it was everything they own. Meh. I can go play Super Mario on my NES.

  24. より:

    Hot purple haired host. Subbed

  25. より:

    The Wii Who?

  26. より:

    Even a Nintendo platform more geared towards hardcore gamers than they've ever created in the past would be nowhere near in competition for the same demographic as the Vive and Rift. Those audiences are at polar ends of the gaming consumer market.

  27. より:

    Are folks really concerned that Nintendo NX will have a hard time against the VR systems? Really? I can't believe that VR, as it stands now, will be more than a tiny niche market. Personally, I don't think the NX will have any trouble. Then again, I'm just a random YouTube poster, so take that into consideration.

  28. より:

    There are many things right with the NX at the moment, good planning but will need to be revealed later on in the year.

  29. より:

    The market for vr and the market for console are completely different. vr will be early adopter power enthusiasts, not the sort of people that buy consoles, much less nintendo consoles. VR requires the gear AND the supporting equipment that most people won't have right now and won't be upgrading until next year or the year after, when all the nitpicky bugs could be ironed out. Will it have a competitive market with vr? Not really, will it need to make a buzz instead of just releasing as discreetly as the wii U definitely.

  30. より:

    Um the Earth is only 5000 years old so this must be a fictional news update.

  31. より:

    Meg doesn't watch sword art. Or is it ashley? No wait. It's Meg. Sorry.

  32. より:

    Haha. It's funny because SAO is officially confirmed for development now

  33. より:

    Nintendo NX competing with VR headsets?… they're pretty much two different markets.

  34. より:

    It isn't launching in July. We would know something about it if it was.

  35. より:

    I like your hair.

  36. より:

    madcatz always like to stage exhibition matches. serves them right for getting into financial trouble now.

  37. より:

    hmm meg you're so sexy. :3

  38. より:

    Hitman is just a horrible series to make a movie for in the first place. It's amazing they've made two of them. Agent 47 is a lifeless and dull character that not even his own mother and dog could love. He's a just hitman. No soul. No heart. Completely unrelatable or likeable as a person, which is kind of important as a protagonist. Sure, he's a badass because of his skills, but there's nothing else to like.

  39. より:

    wow a headline in the title and y'all spent 32 secs on it. If it's not pro-sony why waste the time, right?!

  40. より:

    Humans and neanderthals appear to have mixed DNA because neanderthals were always human.

  41. より:

    If the Nintendo NX is cheap enough it could actually sell and compete against VR as a cheaper gaming option.

  42. より:

    I thought there was a treaty banning any radioactive, chemical, explosive weapons from being placed in space around the earth. Outer space treaty maybe?

  43. より:

    GotG 2 and still no sign of Adam Warlock? I'm beginning to get troubled.

  44. より:

    She looks so much like the president from battlestar galactica! Just me? Ok then…

  45. より:

    I think VR is going to be a mistake coming out the same time as NINTENDO NX!! VR won't have stuff like next gen ZELDA in fact I'm not sure they even have a proper game worth shouting about yet for the VR devices being released by SONY, MICROSOFT, and FACEBOOK – Also Meg Turney you are very beautiful!

  46. より:

    star lords dad is snake plissken?
