SF6 ▰ HIKARU (A.K.I.) vs DAIGO (Ken) ▰ Ranked Matches【DaiGoまとめ】

Street Fighter 6 high level ranked matches between Hikaru (Master Rank A.K.I.) and Daigo Umehara (Master Rank Ken) ▷ A.K.I. …


「SF6 ▰ HIKARU (A.K.I.) vs DAIGO (Ken) ▰ Ranked Matches【DaiGoまとめ】」への8件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    when aki is in burnout she blocks with her ass…?

  2. より:

    I need to master A.K.I.

  3. より:

    is Hikaru #1 aki now

  4. より:

    Daigo is so pathetic. Always hugging the top tiers.

  5. より:

    the way she moves her hands when walking is freaking great!

  6. より:

    The concept is a bit like lol cassiopeia….

  7. より:

    Daigo is overrated, so boring to watch. Defensive as hell. Go to hell, Daigo.

  8. より:

    Aki's round start position on this stage makes her look like she is wearing a little witch hat
