Daigo Faces Down the New Generation, an e-recap【DaiGoまとめ】

Daigo’s mirror match against a rising star, Higuchi, in the Capcom Pro Tour Japan Qualifier was an epic showdown and one to …


「Daigo Faces Down the New Generation, an e-recap【DaiGoまとめ】」への43件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Daigo only best guile

  2. より:


  3. より:

    Id like to see them both hop into tekken 6 for the first time vs eachother. Street fighter to easy to really determine skill levels when 2 ppl are good

  4. より:

    Daigo sucks now!!! Has not won any major tournament in years.

  5. より:

    it`s like riding a bicycle 😉

  6. より:

    Love the commentary and all the way you broke down the entire set and everything surrounding the matches. I don't watch or play any street fighter but this was super super exciting to watch!

  7. より:

    Getting to the age of 40s i must say response time gets increble lag in your mind. So i have to play shooters more intelligent and not just using reflexes, you get duller, but smarter.

  8. より:

    How can you say it marks a generational shift when Daigo has been surprising people continuously for two decades?

  9. より:

    sonic boomer

  10. より:

    Nothing worse than to have a nail bitter losing fight, just for your opponent to immediately lose next battle, and the cherry on top by a steamroller.

  11. より:

    Si juegas un round conmigo te doy perfect

  12. より:

    that was a GREAT 2nd ROUND

  13. より:

    spoiler alert

  14. より:

    They have gaming facilities just like Americans and other countries have sports facilities. Thats wild to think about it

  15. より:

    Both using a hitbox? If higuchi was using stick that shows more skills as hitbox is exploitbox(same setup can be done on a keyboard if you play PC)

  16. より:

    That’s was awesome!

  17. より:

    Great match! Thanks for the commentary.

  18. より:

    play music in the background. Also explain Daigo's backstory too.

  19. より:

    But as you get older your reactions and reads can get a bit slower. When Diego had the momentum he could of done an overhead when Hiagchu was in the corner. The only way for me to win against a Guile player is by taking away their space. Literally not giving their balls room to breathe.

  20. より:

    I prefer how sf5 looks to. Sf 6

  21. より:

    What I never liked in any fighting game, is that cheap shooting that everyone abuses till death.

  22. より:

    I would say Tokido is his rival.

  23. より:

    It's way more satisfying to pull a combo in a footsies heavy game than an autocombo one. Love to see them.

  24. より:

    Daigo se convirtió en leyenda desde hace mas de 20 años, absolutamente nadie ha hecho lo que hizo Daigo en su juventud, con toda la tecnología e información ni este chico de 20 años ni nadie no lo ha logrado. #Daigo la leyenda forever

  25. より:

    I think Higushi is good player … but SF VI will have more trick from SF IV and Daigo can Shine again … we will see if Daigo will play Guile on SF VI … who knows.

  26. より:

    A 41 yr old ….

  27. より:

    4:44 WOT??????
    what did i drink and why?

    Jump downward sonic boom? That decision by developers makes me realizes that i seamlessy skipped maturity and got directly into senile dementia.

  28. より:

    this man eats, sleeps, and breaths lab

  29. より:

    Younger players only have a chance because of the comeback mechanics new fighting games implement. If your in your 30s and played fighting games your whole life I know your a fact you feel like playing newer fighting games feels like playing against your opponent and the game at the same time.

  30. より:

    Nice vid

  31. より:

    Thanks for this breakdown. Really insightful.

  32. より:

    Why are u skipping through the video I just wanted to watch the match mute the commentary

  33. より:

    cũng vui

  34. より:

    Sport? Video games aren't sport. It's like saying chess is a sport. He mentioned something about fitness training in this video… fitness training for video games. What.

  35. より:

    Doesn’t matter how old you are. The fun never ends in any fighting game.

  36. より:

    Daigo is fking 41 now… feels old man

  37. より:

    Omg show the fight.

  38. より:

    I think it's not already a shift. But we can say for sure that Higuchi get the right to be the next strongest Guile after Daigo's retirement. it's a really big feat to take Daigo out in the first round of losers bracket.

  39. より:

    I mean it doesn't make sense they had the same length of time to learn how to play (8 years), their age is meaningless

  40. より:

    Everybody can get lucky ones in a while. He can say the he won from a legend. Diego can say that lost from a talent. Big difference

  41. より:

    This definitely was one awesome match

  42. より:

    the YT SF community is full of retards that don't understand zoning with fireballs. "wah wah remove fireballs"

  43. より:

    play tekken and they tyr to play this boring game..
