we are number one, but every "one" is replaced with a random glich'e moment [WARNING: LOUD]【DaiGoまとめ】

Although they have reached their goal, you can still donate to support Stefan Karl (Robbie Rotten) here: …


「we are number one, but every "one" is replaced with a random glich'e moment [WARNING: LOUD]【DaiGoまとめ】」への42件のフィードバック

  1. より:


  2. より:

    Now this is a certified hood classic

  3. より:

    That one person in voice chat when they lose a game: 0:02 3:42

  4. より:

    we are number "collide yor balls together"

  5. より:

    The sad thing is that the actor for robby rotten passed in 2018 i hope he knows that we love the song so much.

  6. より:

    C o l l i d e y o u r b a l l s t o g e t h e r

  7. より:

    Ear rape

  8. より:


  9. より:


  10. より:

    He should be flamingos son

  11. より:

    Yes soooooo goooooooood.

  12. より:

    R.I.P Ú^Ù

  13. より:


  14. より:

    1:14 CoLlIdE yOuR bAlLs ToGeThEr

  15. より:

    I'm watching this full volume wich me luck bois

  16. より:

    0:00 Already LMAO!!!!!!

  17. より:

    Diarrhea? XD 1:38

  18. より:

    lol WTF dude

  19. より:

    fuck you creepy girl and like a FUCKING idoit

  20. より:

    Your the best glitch e gaming

  21. より:


  22. より:

    I could non stop laughing I laughed so hard that I was crying with laughter >u<

  23. より:

    You are bery coop

  24. より:

    Ummmm who farted how h-howww

  25. より:


  26. より:

    3:27 when you are about to finish a level after like 200 tries and you die

  27. より:


  28. より:

    The only time I'd ever watch a Glich'e video

  29. より:

    what the heck

  30. より:

    Collide your balls together

  31. より:

    0:35 when you fail a 1 hour asmr at the end of it

  32. より:

    What's the orginal video in 2:41

  33. より:

    hsjsyanwhsusunshustaheywhhwsuyahsjuwieuwjsjssuyw. heuegdjuwhsjwjaksismslkdjdjwudjskdinejeisje. After Are you a real villain?

  34. より:

    1:34 lol and ewwww

  35. より:

    My fav part was at 0:00

  36. より:

    0:18 thats what I do when I am when I am bored (dig In my ear)Jk 😛
