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「BOBA CHALLENGE with TRAVIS【DaiGoまとめ】」への16件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    mengada sia pompuan ni , patutnya dri kecik kena ajar dia ni

  2. より:


  3. より:

    When ariana said that ❤

  4. より:

    When ariana will grow up she will be a keren

  5. より:

    Hi my name is zehra

  6. より:

    Ariana is so karen

  7. より:


  8. より:

    ARIANA love Toro hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  9. より:

    Napa lah ariana ni?

  10. より:

    Me after seeing her reaction be like :- HEY BROTHER CAN YOU COME HERE!
    My brother :- sure but wh-(y)
    Me :- hits
    Us :- fighting like dogs
    Big sis :- OMG KIDS!
    Us all :- Again fights like dogs

  11. より:

  12. より:

    Bruh its so crazy

  13. より:

    Bro got ripped off

  14. より:


  15. より:

    Girl that girl picky he actually shared with you picky

  16. より:

    Arte arte mo eh ako inom nyan ikaw pa
