Chiké – If You No Love feat. Mayorkun (Official Video)【DaiGoまとめ】

In a world where masculine vulnerability is mocked, Afro-pop stars Chiké and Mayorkun deliver power-pop anthem about …


「Chiké – If You No Love feat. Mayorkun (Official Video)【DaiGoまとめ】」への23件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Chike is a good musician let him not forget that❤

  2. より:

    This song makes my man to love so much ❤❤

  3. より:


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  5. より:

    Nigerian were/ are / will-be very talented. I’m glad to be one. Thanks for this gem of a song guys.

  6. より:

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  8. より:

    Kenyans we all love Nigerian music

  9. より:

    Love love from Uganda. ❤❤❤❤❤

  10. より:

    Nakupenda Kenyan

  11. より:


  12. より:

    nice one

  13. より:

    Cause I take this lovooo seriously….ooo❤❤❤❤

  14. より:

    who is still finding this amazing like me in 2023

  15. より:

    Fav song

  16. より:

    Much love from Kenya ❤❤❤ someone to kiss my comment

  17. より:

    The song is just wow and fantastic

  18. より:

    Nice song❤

  19. より:

    2023 and it’s a great jam

  20. より:

    Chiké go in sooo hard on this right here, straight up BANGAA! IDC if Chiké used AUTHENTIC VIEWS dawt cawwm to get mad exposure on their socialz like every other artist has done too, not a big deal anymore to use them

  21. より:

    Chike or chege ? Love this song

  22. より:

    Chike sings without struggling.. smooth❤
