SF6 🔥 Daigo (Ken) vs Sako (Chun-Li) 🔥 Street Fighter 6【DaiGoまとめ】

The best replay channel for Street Fighter 6 is here! Enjoy watching these awesome players fight each other in an exciting match.


「SF6 🔥 Daigo (Ken) vs Sako (Chun-Li) 🔥 Street Fighter 6【DaiGoまとめ】」への11件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Why daigo keep changing his name?

  2. より:

    Sako dropped sooo many rounds in this 🙁 uncharacteristic of him

  3. より:

    Anaconda background : this is my territory
    Show some respect
    I have to protect my babies

  4. より:

    Man, being trapped in the corner is the absolute worst in this game

  5. より:

    So glad sako still playing chun, he’s really developed her routes a lot here

  6. より:

    Sako and Daigo are probably going to the still be whooping ass in SF in their 50s

  7. より:


  8. より:

    I love that Chun-li parrying Ken's super. It's so nice to see Chun-li at such a high level.

  9. より:

    Lord Daigo

  10. より:

    Daigo: BURRNNN you in corner !

  11. より:

    DAIGO THE BEAST!!!!!!!
