SF6 🔥 Daigo tries out A.K.I ! 🔥 Street Fighter 6【DaiGoまとめ】

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「SF6 🔥 Daigo tries out A.K.I ! 🔥 Street Fighter 6【DaiGoまとめ】」への15件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Daigo done got good with her.

  2. より:

    4:20, Daigo says "I'm getting out of this corner."

  3. より:

    3:20 dayum! The timing. Daigo ended him. Took all that hp too, daum!

  4. より:

    Came out with that Bruce Lee yellow jump suit color.

  5. より:

    Daigo is putting that stuff on him.

  6. より:

    00:46 I wasn't expecting that. Caught me off guard too.

  7. より:

    Daigo's fighting game IQ is incredible! I enjoy watching his reactions as well as his opponents reactions as they try to figure each other out! Awesome Fight!

  8. より:

    Daigo zones with fireball:
    "Why is he spamming fireballs?"

    Daigo throws enemy a lot:
    "Why is he overusing the throw?"

  9. より:

    I love the lack of huge combos. I love how SF6 is either about timing/strategy and/or big combos.

  10. より:

    He became Diamond real quick !!

  11. より:

    Looks like a boring character that nobody will play. Plus very similar feeling to FANG. Wack sfv shit needs to die

  12. より:

    Makes sense he would try her, both as a new character and because he goofed around on fang for fun for awhile. Changing main? Extremely unlikely.

  13. より:

    is it just me or does daigo throw alot?

  14. より:

    WOW! Is incredible how fast Daigo learn A.K.I.

    Maybe is cause Daigo legitimately like F.A.N.G. so I guess Daigo is returning to that.

  15. より:

    New main?
