SF6 🔥 Daigo (Ken) vs Shuto (Marisa) 🔥 Street Fighter 6【DaiGoまとめ】

The best replay channel for Street Fighter 6 is here! Enjoy watching these awesome players fight each other in an exciting match.


「SF6 🔥 Daigo (Ken) vs Shuto (Marisa) 🔥 Street Fighter 6【DaiGoまとめ】」への4件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Ken in the thumbnail look alike Sylvester Stallone…Adriaaaaaan

  2. より:

    That Marisa combo around the middle took out at least half of Ken's health on MODERN

  3. より:

    Daigo the destroyer

  4. より:

    Daigo with the outfit 1?
