World Cup | Saturday: Dynasty vs Damage / Boom vs Thunder【DaiGoまとめ】

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「World Cup | Saturday: Dynasty vs Damage / Boom vs Thunder【DaiGoまとめ】」への30件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    What I always wonder is how hard it is to bridge the mental gap of how you play without being sponsored and with being sponsored.
    When I go and rage rec ball on the weekends I have to somewhat judge how hard I go per round based on the paint I have, and not wanting to break my gear doing power slides and whatnot.
    Flip the script to being sponsored and having limitless paint, equipment spares, not having to worry about dropping your pods on the field cause someone will pick them up after….the pods especially are probably the single biggest difference. You see people in the D3-D1 divisions dropping pods like spent tissues whereas rec players like myself have to practice putting said pod back into the pack….whole different playing style.

  2. より:

    Thunder really be dumping a pallet of paint per match.

  3. より:

    2:02 he tracked him as soon as he came out of that bunker

  4. より:

    R.I.P. Timmy…

  5. より:

    Cj and the refs have a tough job but fuck me do they make some fuckin shit decisions. If a football ref made as many mistakes as they do theyd be dropped . Never allowed to ref at that level again

  6. より:

    Seoul dynasty

  7. より:

    Airsoft is better.

  8. より:

    Thunder = Seahawks

  9. より:

    I really hope this becomes a national sport soon

  10. より:

    Why cant paintball have nice guns like airsoft?

  11. より:

    can believe the tv didn't fall off the tent. lol

  12. より:

    i jerk off to these keep posting

  13. より:

    My wallet hurts just watching this

  14. より:


  15. より:

    I'm trying out for paintball

  16. より:

    Does Keith Brown still play? I played with him and Jacob Edwards years back in Orlando. I would've never guessed at some point they'd be on the world stage playing against Ollie and Dynasty.

  17. より:

    Can I have the shocker

  18. より:

    Wish i was on Dynasty team

  19. より:

    The footage is horrible, first person or full field would be better.

  20. より:

    Wish I could have seen this one live. Couldn't really tell what happened in the video and I've watched it 4 times.

  21. より:

    what a boring 'sport' ?

  22. より:

    whats the hoppers and guns they use

  23. より:

    Ref doing a pod check gets player shot… Ref gave away the position, that kinda sucks.

  24. より:

    I love these plz keep posting more

  25. より:

    32:50 the mistake of the kill counts lol.

  26. より:

    the camera angles are horrible.

  27. より:

    That 1 kid that hates you 0:10

  28. より:

    Paintball isn't what it once was

  29. より:

    That awkward handshake from dynasty in the beginning though

  30. より:

