Beauty And The Beast Character Posters REVEALED【DaiGoまとめ】

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「Beauty And The Beast Character Posters REVEALED【DaiGoまとめ】」への43件のフィードバック

  1. より:


  2. より:


  3. より:

    Luke handsome!? A rare gorgeous guy like that is HOT as fire! GEEZE I can't get enough on how of a perfect man he is! Freaking gorgeous!

  4. より:

    emma and the beast

  5. より:

    beast is my favourite

  6. より:

    My favorite is gaston

  7. より:

    the prince

  8. より:


  9. より:

    i'm so used to the animated film that i don't realy like adam's george washington styled hair. and adam is supposed to be 21 and dan steven looks like he's in his 30s

  10. より:

    All ready saw it

  11. より:


  12. より:

    Umm what about Madame de gradrobe

  13. より:

    I did watch it at he theeters

  14. より:

    I am not sure if you running the update

  15. より:

    My favourite are Belle and the beast

  16. より:


  17. より:

    I personally like the beast picture.

  18. より:

    My favorite is the beast

  19. より:

    all r good… emma Watson!!!!

  20. より:

    i did see the movie and my fav poster is bell

  21. より:

    I have watched it

  22. より:

    Does the new movie reveal the prince's name??? Because that is a MYSTERY as old as time.

  23. より:

    I'm is bella

  24. より:

    its so nice

  25. より:

    I will pick Bella as my favorite poster

  26. より:

    I watched the movie as soon as it came out

  27. より:

    Aw, I haven't seen Gaston's….

  28. より:

    Who else has watched the movie

  29. より:


  30. より:

    Funny how Harry Potter Star Wars and lord of the rings working together

  31. より:

    yes i am seeing it i love beast

  32. より:

    ❤️miss pots

  33. より:

    I love josh had as lefou

  34. より:

    Belle is the best 🙂

  35. より:

    bella is beautiful

  36. より:

    I am going to see it on the 1st of April I am so excited

  37. より:

    i love it

  38. より:

    Ugh what is it with you people if your going to be negative then don't say anything, if you hate it so much then why did you take the time to write the comment! People might feel differently!! Think before you type people!!!!

  39. より:


  40. より:

    The beast's poster is my favorite and I am going to see this movie as soon as it comes out then I'm buying it on Google play. This version of the classic is going to be amazing!

  41. より:

    I love love 2017 best

  42. より:

    Belle/Emma is my fav hands down!

  43. より:

    I can't wait! I wish they had added some of the songs from the Broadway Musical, but what the heck!! Emma Watson is perfect for Belle! After the disappointment of Cinderella, Disney owed it to the fans to get this right!!!
