Game Balance Levers (AW, IW, & MWR Gameplay Commentary)【DaiGoまとめ】

K-12 Shotgun In Depth: Last week while I was playing Advanced Warfare for …


「Game Balance Levers (AW, IW, & MWR Gameplay Commentary)【DaiGoまとめ】」への43件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Great idea always want better ways to balance.

    I think ability to change levers server side is a necessity.

  2. より:

    I remember the HAMR LMG from BO2. Faster fire at first then slower, more steady fire later. Loved that gun.

  3. より:

    i really dont understand the hate on iw
    it has "new" type of guns,"new" specialists and the variants arent op like aw

  4. より:

    Drift0r can you do a video about FOV sliders in console games? There are very few games on consoles that have this feature and I want to know why it is not featured in Call of Duty!

  5. より:

    I am unequivocally against all forms of hybrid/initial state guns/ variants. Its a lazy way to balance games. Balancing games is difficult but if devs work hard enough, it can be done in traditional ways that don't add randomness to a game. Randomness kills multiplayer. Period.

  6. より:

    COD has never had gun balance. Think of every COD in your head and there was always a god gun or two.

  7. より:

    1 comment but there's actually like 2k

  8. より:

    The RVN is crap

  9. より:

    drift0r please do in depth for the bo3 dlc weapons. i love your in depth keep it going brother!!!

  10. より:

    It's amazing how much better Advanced Warfare is graphically than both Blops 3 and IW

  11. より:

    IW doesn't need more levers, it needs to sort out what they're doing with them. I played IW during the free weekend and I noticed just how bad it was. I'd start on one gun and get a 3 to 5 kill streak consistantly then with another I could get about 6 to 10 and with another only 1 or 2. The problem is that some guns time to kill is rediculously different from others. All the guns need to stick to a similar time to kill(even snipers by changing the time it takes to scope in) but I've found some weapons to have such a high time to kill that I could top every game (I'm usually pretty bad). Some weapons just have too high of a fire rate and should have the damage lowered to compensate but clearly the devs aren't concerned because it still made them stupid amounts of money

  12. より:

    I suddenly have a new found respect for these games.

  13. より:

    people still play aw, WTF?!?

  14. より:

    Look at LoL. So many champs don't fall under "design philosophies" and end up totally broken. Tweak with them, and they become useless. Levers don't always work, but are certainly there.

  15. より:

    2:55 What just happend? lmao

  16. より:

    Im in his vid getting feeds!!!lmaooo

  17. より:

    The RV-N is so much fun to use. It's either my favorite or second favorite behind the NV4

  18. より:

    1 to 3 stat points used to trade off stats for an increase in your desired stats and the amount of stats usable depends on its grade of the guns variant…perhaps a cosmetic difference in its grade also

  19. より:

    Kench tilts u ? Ekko is the dumbest champ with the biggest overloaded kit.

  20. より:

    best vid in a long time

  21. より:

    So what you're saying is…
    Advanced Warfare is balanced
    Infinite Warfare is pretty balanced
    And Modern Warfare Remastered is very unbalanced
    Makes sense

  22. より:

    If you strip AW of the Call of Duty title and put it as its own game it would get a lot less hate. I applaud Sledgehammer for taking a shot at changing up the series with something different. As its own game, AW was a lot of fun.

  23. より:

    A better LoL example of too many balancing levers is Kog'maw. Press w to instantly double attack speed made him insane when he used some items. It was too hard to balance the game around his kit that they actually just reverted his rework which was a first in LoL history.

  24. より:

    this sounded like W H I T E N O I S E

  25. より:

    A good example of this is in BO2 some people wanted a buff to the PDW, usually in the rate of fire, but it never happened cause it would make it to over powered. I had always thought trey arch should just buff the rapid fire PDW, basically making another leaver when that attachment works more effectively on that gun.

  26. より:

    Gun variants are in my opinion the worst thing that happened to CoD. Every time I decide to give IW a try, I get blasted away by people with legendary guns while I'm still at the basic variant. It's plain unfair

  27. より:

    the last balanced shooter I remember playing was halo 3. yes the br was the only usefull weapon but atleast you started with it most of the time.

  28. より:

    That's funny, the leaver pronunciation sounds like it'd fit significantly better into American English than the short E one.

  29. より:

    How do you pronounce "level"????? You're welcome.

  30. より:

    New game mechanics should always be a heavily thought about and reason-backed decisions. Sometimes additional mechanics do not actually add depth and maybe even remove depth. Although it may be possible with out of the box thinking, making some of these problematic mechanics a depth-increasing part of the game is extremely difficult. Some new mechanics are counter-productive to the overall design of the game.

    A couple examples:
    Super Smash Bros Brawl – Tripping.
    Self explanatory.

    Battlefield 1 – Bayonet charge.
    I understand that many people may like this mechanic. However, IMO the mentality behind the mechanic's design shows that the mechanic harms the game's depth instead of adding to it. The time to kill on a bayonet charge is certainly slower, than MANY guns. Unfortunately though, the forgivingness of the mechanic makes it so that in order to kill a much more skilled player, all a player must do is bayonet charge. In a situation where a skilled player(who is making a mistake) should only be able to lose to another skilled player(who is capitalizing on said mistake), that player who is making a mistake has a frustratingly good chance to lose to a player who is using bayonet charge. Before I make anymore specific arguments against the mechanic, I would just like to say that IMO the MENTALITY behind the mechanic is the problem. Just consider what the devs may have been thinking when they added this mechanic. It may be necessary to scrap that mechanic or severely change it due to the idea behind it.

  31. より:

    the kf5 is a 3 shot kill SMG now upto 13 meters and not just for the first 5 bullets, if you don't believe me just try it in the firing range

  32. より:

    this was an intresting video!

  33. より:

    The sad thing about MWR is that they couldn't even get the basics right. Most guns are just copies of each other with some quirks to them that simply makes them worse then the base version…

  34. より:

    the bad parts of this video was Infinite Garbage

  35. より:

    I swear i hip fire in IW and most bullets miss, even up close with the Type-2, then the other games i have no trouble without laser sight. My luck or did i miss something?

  36. より:

    Dude, that was deep.

  37. より:

    good vid, shame I missed you stream aw

  38. より:

    The balancing in AW sounds very similar to Borderlands.

  39. より:

    yes channel is dying

  40. より:

    tahm w is so annoying 36% max hp as magic damage and w to save ally

  41. より:


  42. より:

    Good video. Btw, I miss AW a lot.

  43. より:

    Having less levers forces you to make a more complete game. If you can randomize everything it gives you the freedom to not have a polished game….specially if you can blame it no you not having the right variant and simultaneously telling the players they can get these variants only out of supply drops…..see how those go hand in hand
