Three Must Do's in Doral, Florida【DaiGoまとめ】

Three Must Do’s in Doral, Florida ▻Read the blog posts: Today we’re spending the day …


「Three Must Do's in Doral, Florida【DaiGoまとめ】」への25件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Thanks for watching! If you loved this video please SUBSCRIBE to my channel to see new episodes every week

  2. より:

    And Colombians as well

  3. より:

    Ahora falta que seas CHAVISTA.

  4. より:

    I live in doral and the sky zone is no lie trash I do like dolphin mall and international

  5. より:

    Scam somebody

  6. より:

    And Telemundo studios! For Telenovelas fans!!!

  7. より:

    if you need help renting or buying a house in Doral give us a call Aleph Realty

  8. より:

    I’ve gone everywhere that this list. Maybe because I’ve lived here my whole life lmao.

  9. より:

    Doral sucks. They just keep throwing up more parks and calling it the most modern city in Miami. More like new leader in over congested, shit hole overpriced Miami. Fancy Hialeah anyone? lol

  10. より:

    I live in doral

  11. より:

    Excelente vídeo! Es cierto, El Doral es sinonimo de progreso latino en Miami y toda la Florida… Queremos invitar a toda la comunidad de El Doral Miami a que se beneficie de nuestra multiplicación publicitaria… tanto negocios como clientes se pueden ver muy beneficiados con nuestra propuesta!

  12. より:

    What is the name of the Venezuela food spot bro? That looked awesome also the name of the avocado mayo thingy? Great review keep it up!

  13. より:

    Lol I live here

  14. より:

    good video

  15. より:

    Doral is a shit city

  16. より:

    Yikes, but Doral is such a pain in the butt to get too. Should probably remind your viewers / readers that you need to rent a car to get out there.

  17. より:

    you look that youtuber zack morris.

  18. より:

    Great video bro !!!

  19. より:

    Venezuelan food and craft beer ?? OMG I'm there !

  20. より:

    Tequeños are the best thing ever man! Awesome video

  21. より:

    305 Representa ! Thanks for the video David ! Would like to add Bermudez Park on 87th Ave & 30th St, it's a great place to walk, run, or bike.

  22. より:

    Nice ride,you spent lot of enerjy on this trampoline.I love video.

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