The Slowest/Greatest Ace You'll EVER See 😂【DaiGoまとめ】

Guarantee you’ve never seen THIS before! #Shorts SUBSCRIBE to our channel for the best ATP tennis videos and tennis …


「The Slowest/Greatest Ace You'll EVER See 😂【DaiGoまとめ】」への26件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    If done on purpose, he is an unprofessional douche. Not funny

  2. より:

    거지같은 재기랄

  3. より:

    When Hingis did that against Graf the public never forgave her! Here, apparently its ok….

  4. より:

    We need more plays like that

  5. より:


  6. より:

    Tennis ❌
    Table Tennis ✅

  7. より:

    This genuinely is 1 in a million

  8. より:

    The camera angle isn't doing that serve any favors.

  9. より:

    I used to serve like that but it was really bad for my elbow.

  10. より:

    ‼ He can't do it again !‼ ☝️

  11. より:

    I just did this serve by accident .. mine landed on the side line.

  12. より:

    çok iyi ya 🙂

  13. より:


  14. より:

    pfff, what's the big deal, I do this every other serve 😛

  15. より:

    I often wonder why tennis players don't do this more often…

  16. より:

    How did he come up with that one?

  17. より:

    even when the men play like the women, it's still more exciting than the womens game

  18. より:


  19. より:

    When I was 16, my grandfather used to do that to me, he was in his seventies. I’d rarely be quick enough to get to the ball by it’s second bounce; which would often be back on his side of the net.

  20. より:


  21. より:


  22. より:

    PS he lost the match

  23. より:

    wow lol

  24. より:

    Have spinning bowling in cricket. Why not use it/more on tennis. People would struggle like heck to get it

  25. より:

    Tennis has hit the YouTube algorithm folks

  26. より:

    This was not deliberate. He holds his racket up to apologize
