NCR9: Filipino Champ (DH) vs Daigo Umehara MCZ (RY/YUN) Concept Match【DaiGoまとめ】

NCR9: Filipino Champ vs Daigo Umehara MCZ Concept Match – | …


「NCR9: Filipino Champ (DH) vs Daigo Umehara MCZ (RY/YUN) Concept Match【DaiGoまとめ】」への31件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    What is a concept match?

  2. より:

    I come back to this video every year. It's just nice to watch filipino kek ass get annihilated.

  3. より:

    Omg this is Ben years ago but he’s amazing

  4. より:

    Daigo was nice enough to not go yun right away.

  5. より:

    I still come back to this every year. Seeing champ get bodied is just so nice.

  6. より:

    Psychologically, FChamp won this battle. Daigo cracked and had to swap to a terribly one sided matchup with the best character in the game. He was not confident to take his revenge match against FChamp

  7. より:

    Fchamp fucked up his inputs to often

  8. より:

    Sf4 dhalsim=strong

    Sf5 dhalsim=nerfed to oblivion

  9. より:

    Uploaded 8 years ago and the quality is still topnotch

  10. より:

    Obviously Yun was very strong at the time, but just based on their character concepts and strengths, Yun seems likes a much better matchup for Sim than Ryu was, even if Ryu didnt suck in this version he'd probably still struggle.

  11. より:

    the filipino guy caves under pressure, he will never be the best

  12. より:

    Lmao, talked so much shit about Daigo then get rekt

  13. より:

    Always cool when an LGBTQ represents in the gaming world, FILIPINOCHAMP is still among the elite.

  14. より:

    What does "ST style" mean?

  15. より:

    haha chump looked like a first time player vs The Legend

  16. より:

    such revenge

  17. より:


  18. より:

    Holy Sheet. Daigo's YUN was freaking insane. Why did he ever stop playing him??

  19. より:

    Ridiculous pressure indeed.

  20. より:

    The crowd fucking idiots then.
    The realise that Yun vs sim horrible match up for sim

  21. より:

    Man Daigo smiling, where I was I when he started doing that.

  22. より:

    7:50 Super Mario attack, needs coin sample

  23. より:

    Add an "X-factor" let's see how Daigo fairs w/ Filipino Champ.

  24. より:

    Solid play by champ

  25. より:

    09:15 i didnt know that is possible

  26. より:


  27. より:

    Seth sucks

  28. より:

    7:18 first time ive seen daigo miss his super

  29. より:

    COD is not even a fg game , and it even sucks on its own genre FPS, as acompetitive game it sucks, its made for teenage kids so anyone can pick it up and play, CS is the true competitive game now!
