Fighting Games' Greatest Rivalry【DaiGoまとめ】

Some rivalries push a game forward. Some rivalries make for the most exciting, incredible matches. But some rivalries transcend …


「Fighting Games' Greatest Rivalry【DaiGoまとめ】」への23件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    bro is calling sonic fox "their" so cringe

  2. より:

    This is way more interesting than football.

  3. より:

    What an amazing video and documentary of it. Very well done!

    And SonicFox, you couldn’t ask for a better rival; someone that draws out and pushes you to be the very best.

  4. より:

    Damn. SonicFox is so wholesome. Bro is just so cool.

  5. より:

    Nah viscant and ltg beats this for sure. Nice video tho.

  6. より:

    I was so fortunate to watch this story unfold in real time. My favorite part, easily, was that there was never ANY animosity. Smiles, giggles, handshakes, hugs, hand raises. This is how it should be done, exciting and pretty much salt-free.

  7. より:

    "Poverty Anime Game" is a new saying of mine now lol

  8. より:

    goichi won despite sonic fox cheap tricks. fuck sonicfox and his entire cringe fanbase.

  9. より:

    It's amazing to see how video games has the ability to create unity and peace regardless race or creed

  10. より:

    This is why I love games

  11. より:

    so a furry vs a weeb

  12. より:

    8:10 might be the most wholesome fighting game moment of all time. No matter who you route for, you love to see it.

  13. より:

    Real life anime for real. Amazing

  14. より:

    This is what the world needs it brings everyone together

  15. より:

    What’s the difference switching to P1 side

  16. より:

    if you werent watching dbfz at this time, you were missing out. I get tears thinking about how good these times were

  17. より:

    A true anime story

  18. より:

    so did they end up smashing eachother? is what everyone is wondering

  19. より:

    So do we refer to sonicfox as "they/them" or "him"? Commentators and thescore are not in sync on the matter.

    Both displays unreal sportsmanship, love to see it!

  20. より:

    SonicFox is such a cool and a inspirational person and amazing video man :]

  21. より:

    This was definitely one of the greatest rivaries in recent times but it's not the greatest fighting game rivalry.

  22. より:

    you gotta be a special kind of mentally challenged to play Dragon Ball.

  23. より:

    That was honestly incredible to watch, good lord!
