Daigo has a MASSIVE history in fighting games as a whole and is widely considered to be among the best of the best in Street …



  1. より:

    Kizzie's got a good point. If they keep eating the Shoryuken it makes sense to keep feeding it to 'em.

  2. より:

    Hitting 3/4 of your dps is nothing near random. Random you would be missing a lot more then that

  3. より:

    Seeing Punk talk down on Daigo and him calling him random over and over again, kinda makes the comments I've seen comparing him to LTG make a little bit of sense.

  4. より:

    Punk sounds mad salty everytime I see him in a vid

  5. より:

    read they say damn what a bunch of nub. they been play street fighter for how long??????????????????. dragon punch beat and go through everything. it an its an invisible mechanic at the start. the only time you can break through a dragon punch is when dragon punch turn counter clock wise. but when you trying to break through dragon punch at the start you wont break it. because its invisible. you can only hit dragon punch when its already counter clock wise. deigo didnt read nothing its all just random. one word its just luck. his luck havent run out. and now his luck ran out he start losing left and right. deigo shine didnt shine long its over for him

  6. より:

    deigo is no god like or the beast. hes a nub

  7. より:

    Punk salty as always lol

  8. より:

    cant put human logic to explain umeshoryu

    edit : jwong you a capcom guy.. what s up with the harada shirt?

  9. より:

    Like it or not, Daigo is the Michael Jordan of Street fighter games

  10. より:

    Punk saying exactly what i was thinking. Diego reacting to a read with a DP doesn't deserve a nickname. JWong talking about Diego being put on a pedestal and people thinking he's this big brain super genius when he's using DPs on reaction and on reads is true af. JWong and Punk have both played him and bodied him so I'm gonna believe them.

  11. より:

    I love that it started with Daigo vs Gamerbee. So many people saw that set and came away going, "damn Daigo is just a mindreader! Walk up DP is just good!" but they dont understand the mental game. Daigo was calling Gamerbee out on being the most always crouch teching dude of all time. I mained Adon and Gamerbee was my dude but I wish he knew how to block now and again, if he did Adon would be remembered as a tourney champion character.

  12. より:

    Punk talking about the UmeShoryu was hilarious.

  13. より:

    I think it is probably a little bit of both, i am sure he thinks about every dp he does, but sometimes you know hes gotta just let it rip

  14. より:


  15. より:

    How is it random if it KEEPS WORKING

  16. より:

    Punk is a fucking joke.

  17. より:

    Damn, Punk is always up his own backside in these videos but here he sounds crazy jealous on top of it. Like bro, calm your crap. You're only known for SFV, a game that's known to be garbage.

  18. より:

    None of the dragon punches in the Gamerbee example were wake-up DPs.
    Punk: It's just a random wake-up DP.

  19. より:

    Punks is too young to watch Daigo at ST and 3rd strike. Calculated random

  20. より:

    Idk. Prolly.

  21. より:

    "Sometimes you have to not play the game with the opponent, to show them to play the game." This perfectly describes me learning how to play guilty gear past 3 weeks. Don't show me that all you know how to is your one broken move or I'm following you around the whole floor countering you until you get kicked down to a lower level or learn to play the game with me.

  22. より:

    ive always said that the "ume shoryu' was random and the point wong made i 100% agree with but there are so many dick riders out there

  23. より:

    punk plays sf5.

  24. より:

    Hey, now that you mention it? Have they done something like that? There's a tourney in the Age of Empires scene called hidden cup, where they do exactly that, give random names to players, and half the fun of it is trying to guess who is who based on their playstyle.
    Something like that would be sick here.

  25. より:

    A long time ago, before fightcade 2. I played a set of 3rd strike with a dude, and I kid you not, 5 rounds in a row, he started by jumping, and every time I dp him, and after the set, he told me my dps were on point, and I was like "do I tell him or not?" :V

  26. より:

    Even if he isn't, the whole E-Sports scene owe him a quite lot.

  27. より:

    Ryan Joseph Hart is the greatest fighting game player of all time

  28. より:

    Daigo beat Infiltration, Xian and Tokido in FT10s immediately after they won EVO. He crushed them. What else do you want?

  29. より:

    im with punk. theyre just reads and throwing out shoryus lol

  30. より:

    Punk just salty he got nothing named for him. DAIGO JUST BUILT DIFF

  31. より:

    Man what I would give to see Tokido vs Daigo on pre sfv4 fighting games…

  32. より:

    You know you're godlike when one of the current best players can't fathom how good you are, so they just call you random

  33. より:

