To Your Eternity Season 2 – Opening Full『PINK BLOOD』by Hikaru Utada【ヒカルまとめ】

To Your Eternity Season 2 OP Full Song “PINK BLOOD” by Hikaru Utada TV Anime “Fumetsu no Anata e” OP 2 / Opening 2 Hikaru …


「To Your Eternity Season 2 – Opening Full『PINK BLOOD』by Hikaru Utada【ヒカルまとめ】」への38件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Best anime

  2. より:

    a unica abertura que nunca pulei

  3. より:


  4. より:

    Greatest anime I've ever watch

  5. より:

    Hikaru Utada always making the best songs that you could ask for

  6. より:

    This my Shiz. Dope anime too

  7. より:

    I loved this series, but it hurt so much… </3

  8. より:

    OMG Yesssssssssssssssss Karaoke! Before when they brought anime over by vhs and then dvd they use to do open and ending Karaoke to copy AnimeOne and all the other top fansubbing groups at the time. Now, not even the top fan subbing groups do Karaoke. Im weird and for almost every anime I've watched, I don't skip the opening or ending songs

  9. より:

    Does no one else think the instrumental sound lowkey like yaboyroshi’s post opening?

  10. より:

    Thank you for the food

  11. より:

    If you didn't stick around because you let your fear of emotions get to you, or because you feel like your feelings are being played with, that just means you're too closeminded to deserve what greatness of an experience this story has to offer.

  12. より:

    I used to hate this song but after listening to Tokyopill's remix of it I began to love both songs. God is real guys.

  13. より:

    This anime is very depressing and has many heartbreaking scenes, but I can't stop watching it

  14. より:

    When the drums dropped… I knew this was about to be a banger opener

  15. より:

    Props for some really nicely done English subtitles and lyrics

  16. より:

    No wonder this song felt so similar when i was watching the anime. It felt like a song from Kingdom Hearts xd

  17. より:

    2:14 You're welcome

  18. より:

    So good and heartfelt i dont think ill ever be the same again

  19. より:

    Good song!

  20. より:

    after season 2, im no longer sad : )

    This song and the ending for season 2 are really good :')

  21. より:

    Yesterday I just finished watching To Your Eternity. I hope it has Season 3

  22. より:

    season..3 IS REAAAAAAAAAAL

  23. より:

    I just watched the final of S2.
    Cant wait for S3, hopefully they'll keep this opening, I REALLY like it 🙂

  24. より:

    1:46 favorite part ♡

  25. より:

    i heard the juglecore version first……im a huge fan of Urada Hikaru and i had no fucking idea this was her till i watched this anime

  26. より:

    2:15 the best part

  27. より:

    This song brings forth melochony, longing, bittersweet yearning for a time that never existed. Wishing to go back, whilst also wishing to move forward. Love it.

  28. より:

    is that just me badly want to know nameless boi from 1st Ep S1 so that I being forced to dive into it's manga, just like how I find out N.G.E manga Karl UwU actually(this is the only 2 animu forced me to use to read manga ver too) ma gawd

  29. より:

    i'v never cried for a show befor it was such a weird felling like something softly pushing on my heart

  30. より:

    this song resonate with my soul fr

  31. より:

    F your likes. This song hits hard.

  32. より:

    Wow this song has a lot of emotion behind it. I'm loving it.

  33. より:

    Spoilers ahead!

    Damn bro I get depression every time I listen to this knowing that my boy Kahaku died. I personally cannot get over this death

  34. より:

    This show hurt me

  35. より:

    Very beautiful.

  36. より:

    I didn't know this song was sang by Hikaru one of the most iconic singer

  37. より:

    The part from 2:16 onwards hits differently
