Mysteries of Jerusalem – Search for the True Cross【DaiGoまとめ】

Shrouded in mystery for two thousand years, the cross of Jesus has been an enigma to men around the world. The most …


「Mysteries of Jerusalem – Search for the True Cross【DaiGoまとめ】」への22件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Byzantine were not true Christians. They " believed" more in the " relics" than in Jesus

  2. より:


  3. より:

    If God the Father wanted us to venerate wood on which Jesus died in agony, I'm certain He would have dropped from Heaven the pole on which his Son paid for mankind's sins. But He didn't b/c there is no point for that. Look how people are faithless anyway with all their miracles, shrouds and what's not? They still don't understand God.

  4. より:

    Station of True Cross

  5. より:

    The Romans did not crucify on a hill. Crucifixion was next to a public road.

  6. より:


  7. より:

    I understand people want to have someone Jesus and something to believe in The Cross. But Jesus was not about all of that. He was about the word of God and the right and wrong. All of the rest is just controversy to Control the multitudes.

  8. より:

    deid cross Jesus old testament History wow I like.

  9. より:

    So basically these people believe in the wood which Jesus was crucified instead of Jesus? Where's the true faith? Kissing the wood and believing in the wood doesn't make you a Christian. You are idol worshippers. A true Christian carries the true cross in his heart not on his shoulders, ears or on the necklace they wear.

  10. より:

    Music is real bad

  11. より:

    Lot was not Abrahams brother. he was his nephew

  12. より:

    The Muslims burned and spit on it when Saladin took jerusalem in the 1100s.- short version.

  13. より:

    Lol. Those catholixs, they're so funny. They come up with some shit.

  14. より:

    I thought it was interesting

  15. より:


  16. より:

    The true half cross is in ETHIOPIA

  17. より:

    Why are you people looking for relics? To worship? Worship Jesus in your heart, soul and mind and in your spirit. Relics are just things of the past and are not to be worshiped. I talk to Him every day; I sup with Him and He with me. We are one, He is in me and I am in Him.

  18. より:

    If Palm Sunday is the day they choose there lamb, you got a huge problem!
    If the 10th of Abib/Nisan, Good Friday would be the 15th!!!!!!!
    Passover is the 14th, the 15th is a High Sabbath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Full of lies!!!!

  19. より:

    Jesus Christ is still the truth

  20. より:

    all you good to we

  21. より:

    Watching today, Wednesday before the Holy Week on April 5, 2020 – almost 9 years ago, 15:28 caught my attention, Yes..actually until today,,, all devotees in Manila were commemorating the Life, Death and Passion of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, they cant make it due to Covid 19, which suspends all the gatherings and social distancing outside the house. Not only mensare doing this traditions but also woman in our country, they let their self sacrifice in nailing them in the cross -for the forgivness of sins.
    Thanks for featuring. God bless everyone.

  22. より:

    Nice plastic armor on the Roman soldiers
