Top 5 HUGE Myths About Being President【DaiGoまとめ】

Top 5 HUGE Myths About Being President Subscribe: // CELEBRATE 10 YEARS OF WATCHMOJO WITH …


「Top 5 HUGE Myths About Being President【DaiGoまとめ】」への24件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Angela merkel is not the leader of the free world Germany imprisons you if you say something offensive that is not democratic or free it is ridiculous they make her the leader of the free world America is the most free country in the world probably because she is a female leader

  2. より:

    Merkel is the worst german chancellor since Adolf Hitler.

  3. より:

    If I be president I just want all country was peaceful and never had to make a war WWIII

  4. より:

    Trump is trying REAL HARD to making #1 a reality.

  5. より:

    Thanks to Trump, Germany is now leader of the Free World.

  6. より:

    Yep, LBJ passed the Public Broadcasting Act, & Nixon planned to rollback PBS just to expand the Vietnam War to Cambodia, I would've made antiwar protests for Big Bird's sake if I lived back then!

  7. より:

    I thought the terminology “leader of the free world” wasn’t only denoting the USA’s place in the democratic world, but also the economic and military powerhouse of the world. Last time I checked Germany doesn’t really contribute to either of these. Also, just because Time magazine changes whom they nominate as “the leader of the free world”, doesn’t mean its true or correct, like many of their “people of the year”, it is just a title given by an editorial.

  8. より:

    None of them…

  9. より:

    I can tell this channel is turning liberal

  10. より:

    1000th comment

  11. より:

    I love the subtle anti Trump jokes I'll be un subscribing

  12. より:

    Another video to pick apart because watchmojo should just stick to entertainment instead of reporting.
    1) no presidents haven't been starting wars "illegally" since Truman. The president is allowed to send a certain number of troops to somewhere he deems necessary for at MOST 90 days. Those 90 days are supposed to be used by the president to convince congress on why they should declare war. Nothing illegal about it and that's how every war has been.

    2) yeah Angela merkel is the leader of the free world while she allows europe's rape cases to skyrocket by allowing refugees into her country and doing it ONLY because it gets her votes in the elections because you know when Muslims do something bad and you point it out "you're islamaphobic" if Angela merkel is the leader of the free world then by that logic Saddam Hussein was the leader of the taliban.

  13. より:

    The German chancellor is legit maybe the worst thing to happen to Germany she is destroying the country with her liberal far left views

  14. より:

    Myth 1: You don't need to respect others or have political experience. As long as you promise to make America great again, uneducated people will vote for you.

  15. より:

    1:201:28 there was someone walking on the top left of the white house.

  16. より:

    Those who hated Obama probably stayed silent when George Bush was president and ruined the country! They just decided to blame the black guy instead. After everything Obama fixed Trump will ruin it and everyone will blame the black guy again. Gotta feel bad for the guy. Trump: "I inherited a mess" uh no Trump you are the fuckin mess!

  17. より:

    Not anyone can be president! Wrong Trump was elected to prove just any idiot can be president!

  18. より:

    "Leader of the free world" is an idea, nothing more.
    US like this propaganda repeating scheme (until believed to be true).

  19. より:

    The myth I believed was that Elmo was president

  20. より:

    anyone found waldo at 1:23 hiden on the roof?

  21. より:

    more like YUGGE

  22. より:

    This is liberal propaganda and Merkel is one of the worst Prime Ministers in recent History. Germany is having a Migration Crisis right now. It's almost like WatchMojo knows little to nothing about Politics, yet speaks about it. I love how WatchMojo completely avoids talk about Obamacare. You know the Healthcare plan that actually isn't affordable for the working class and you can't keep your doctor.

  23. より:

    let the political flame wars begin

  24. より:

    Has anyone send this to Trump?
