What They Won't Tell You About Game Of War【DaiGoまとめ】

The mobile app Game of War burst onto the scene in a big way in 2015, when it was advertised in a Super Bowl commercial …


「What They Won't Tell You About Game Of War【DaiGoまとめ】」への28件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    What's your favorite mobile game?

  2. より:

    چرا فیلم‌ باز نمیشه من‌هرچی میام یوتیوپ فیلم ببینم باز نمیشه ای ریدم تو این برنامتون

  3. より:

    The what game of the who what house original game.

  4. より:

    The sad part is Game of War probably isn't even the worst of it.

  5. より:

    The game was a lot of fun in early days when you were able to craft gear and cores ( pre set bonus days) where you had to be creative it was much more expensive then than it was 7-8 years ago when it was still fun before they got a bit too crazy with the weekly to daily releases. I'd still take 2013-2015 and maybe early to mid 2016 gow over anything else nothing compares to it not even the monstrosity it's turned into

  6. より:

    The game is stupid and boring it's nothing like the ads these m********** fool you

  7. より:

    I can't be the only person that quite likes this game?

  8. より:

    Proof that boobs will get anyone to spend money, that’s what you need to know about game of war (thanks Kate Upton)

  9. より:

    What they won't tell you about Game Of War:

    It's dead.

  10. より:

    Uh….. those packs cost only 7$ for me

  11. より:

    Vendo o cambio mi cuenta de game of war de 49* con todas las tropas y trampas desblokeadas vip 1318 heroe al maximo recursos y aceleradores ilimitados de por vida

  12. より:

    I remember spending $0 and being one of the best players

  13. より:

    MZ is an American government asset…..They're dirty…..

  14. より:

    I'm still shielded and I only visit now about every 2-3weeks. Just ti say hello to everyone. It was so much fun in the beginning. Meet alot ot new friends from all over the world. But wont spend anymore, already spent mucho much. Ummmm done

  15. より:

    I still play game of war

  16. より:

    I couldn't get into GoW because I was already stupidly mired in Gree's "Modern War"; I actually racked up gold in that game by watching the ads for GoW.

  17. より:

    All I can say about GOW …. Don't Do It. It used to be fun but the MZ greed ruined it. Just Say No

  18. より:

    I can't believe I spent money on this Xc, however it was fun while it lasted

  19. より:

    Very bad game looks like it was made in 2004 as an rts

  20. より:

    Most mobile games are fucking shit, all they do is put you on a treadmill until you get addicted. They're not even fun either.

    Don't even touch them, we all probably have too much screen time anyway.

  21. より:

    You sound like the guy who is from who was that?

  22. より:

    Should do King of Avalon. Packs that cost us 100$, china pays 30$.

  23. より:

    It has a lot of paid fake reviews

  24. より:

    Game of War is for people with money

  25. より:

    Seriously, it's one of the worst, scummy games out there. It just won't stop slapping stolen footage and a depressed, looped face cam of someone wearing the exact same clothes on every shite ad.

  26. より:

    Game of Scams: Bile Lickers*

  27. より:

    This game is a trap. All the game is based on FRUSTRATION to force you to pay more. Careful !

  28. より:

    The game is fun I spent $5.00 & I can go far and it's fun
