Street Fighter 6 💥 Daigo ウメハラ (KEN) vs hikaru-shiftne World No.1 (A.K.I.)💥 SF6 Rank Match 💥【DaiGoまとめ】

sf6replayhub #streetfighter6 #sf6replays Street Fighter 6 Daigo ウメハラ (KEN) vs hikaru-shiftne World No.1 (A.K.I.) SF6 …


「Street Fighter 6 💥 Daigo ウメハラ (KEN) vs hikaru-shiftne World No.1 (A.K.I.)💥 SF6 Rank Match 💥【DaiGoまとめ】」への2件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Ken and jp needs to be nerfed to the ground

  2. より:

    Jinrai is so dumb.. if they change one thing behind his busted st.hp I hope they make the gap bigger with the low one. Its fucking insane how good it is.
