Street Fighter's Guile Is A Jojo Reference【DaiGoまとめ】

We’re Street Fighter fans here at FrameWork. There are too many classic characters to choose from, but now that Guile has been …


「Street Fighter's Guile Is A Jojo Reference【DaiGoまとめ】」への24件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Stroheim hair, blonde and blue-eyed, insanely patriotic, I dunnooooo…..looks like Japan was trying to make a statement about the USA :p. After all, the "benefactors" of Operation Paperclip tended to be even MORE patriotic of the USA than most Americans themselves so….

  2. より:

    So the fact that he is an American and that is an American military style hair cut has nothing to do with it?

  3. より:

    I mean hey if he had to get his style from a nazi at least it’s from the coolest one in fiction

  4. より:

    I always thought his hair was because he had a hair gel contest with charlie, both had weird ass cuts

  5. より:

    Man, I would have loved to have a switchblade comb

  6. より:

    "Sorry for my asshole friend but what's about Jojo's Bizarre Dick?" … legends will know where this is from.

  7. より:

    All roads lead back to jojo

  8. より:

    Lil known fact Japan thinks Nazis and Hitler are cool.

    They were allies after all lol

  9. より:

    Well aint
    Man beating another man is a reference already and existing is already a reference

  10. より:

    Is jojo reference

  11. より:

    Ok but what about Paul Phoenix

  12. より:

    Guiles had his haircut way before Jojo was ever thought of but nice try.

  13. より:

    Just makes him cooler

  14. より:

    Everything's a jojo reference

  15. より:

    I don't think they know what "military grade" means

  16. より:

    I knew it

  17. より:


  18. より:


  19. より:

    So Guile is secretly strohei-

  20. より:

    Every part of this is freaking awesome

  21. より:


  22. より:

    Real talk for a sec, it is insane how JoJo got a literal Nazi to be a great character. And it's not even, like, a reluctant Nazi or something, he's a straight up, motherland loving, "German engineering is the greatest in the world," Nazi that tortures one of the characters for information, and yet somehow it's… endearing? I have NO idea how they managed that, but I would definitely never tell anyone in real life about it unless they've already seen it in action. But it's wild.

  23. より:

    in the literal middle of this video i thought "stronheim probably got his hair from this guy" and then 2 seconds later it flips me on my head and just bashes my head in

  24. より:

    JoJo is the only series that can believably have a nazi soldier be a good guy
