SF6 🔥 Daigo (Ken) vs Noble (Luke) 🔥 Street Fighter 6【DaiGoまとめ】

The best replay channel for Street Fighter 6 is here! Enjoy watching these awesome players fight each other in an exciting match.


「SF6 🔥 Daigo (Ken) vs Noble (Luke) 🔥 Street Fighter 6【DaiGoまとめ】」への13件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    The show of how to throw?

  2. より:

    And some clowns keep saying daigo is top 20 in the world.The guy getting bodied time after time from average joes.Not even close to top 100

  3. より:

    The 6 Throws of Daigo are dissgusting

  4. より:

    4:20 sick comeback!

  5. より:

    The next one's gonna be a shimmy bro trust me bro

  6. より:

    Another vid of daigo getting beat up again

  7. より:

    Its crazy at 4:10 daigo made one error, and it cost him the entire round

  8. より:

    Noble rly said: he wont throw me 10 times

  9. より:

    1:15 is by far the hardest combo to execute without a doubt

  10. より:

    People cry about throws but if opponent is not teching them you're the dimwit for not using it.

  11. より:

    Easy Operation

  12. より:

    daigo really likes his throws

  13. より:

    1:15 fruit LOOPS
