ストリートファイター6✨ウメハラ [リュウ] Vs トラボ [リュウ] スト6リュウxリュウ | SF6✨Daigo Umehara [Ryu] Vs Trashbox [Ryu]✨スト6【DaiGoまとめ】

その他の対戦動画 – https://www.youtube.com/c/Stremphoenix/videos スト6リュウxリュウ 【スト6】【梅原大吾】【ウメハラ】 …


「ストリートファイター6✨ウメハラ [リュウ] Vs トラボ [リュウ] スト6リュウxリュウ | SF6✨Daigo Umehara [Ryu] Vs Trashbox [Ryu]✨スト6【DaiGoまとめ】」への4件のフィードバック

  1. より:


  2. より:

    daigos instinct for ryu is remarkable

  3. より:

    Legend vs Ranked Legend.
    I feel like I should have to pay to watch this.
    I also feel like I would never even pay 1 penny, yen, zenny, to watch this.
    I also feel like I would rather give 10 bucks, 1000 pennies, 100000 zenies to a homeless dude begging me for nickles near the train station, than pay a single Zenny to watch this.
    I'm 44 years old. twice as old as google thrice as old as youtube.
    I've never felt a reason to say "I feel like i should have paid to watch this".

    Anything that can be copied an infinite ammount of times doesnt deserve royalty.
    Donations on the other hand…
    I wish I were rich enough to throw cash this cat's way.
    I would if I were, im not so I shalln't.

  4. より:

