SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki – aLIEz / THE FIRST TAKE

「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、 …


「SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki – aLIEz / THE FIRST TAKE」への32件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Hiroyuki Sawano returns in our episode 37. One of the most acclaimed music composer known for his numerous soundtracks for smash-hit anime titles.
    Celebrating his 15th anniversary, under his featuring vocalist artist name SawanoHiroyuki[nZk], welcomes mizuki(UNIDOTS) and performs the ALDNOAH. ZERO ending theme song “aLIEz”, with a special re-arranged piano and vocal version.

    ボーカル楽曲に重点を置いたプロジェクト、SawanoHiroyuki[nZk](サワノヒロユキヌジーク)として、mizuki(UNIDOTS)をゲストボーカルに迎え、TVアニメ「アルドノア・ゼロ」 エンディングテーマ「aLIEz」をピアノと歌声だけの特別アレンジで披露。

  2. より:

    와..히로유키 센세를 여기서 보다니 대박!!!!

  3. より:

    Let Justice be Done though the Heavens Fall!!

  4. より:

    Magnifique !

  5. より:

    this is one of the reason i watched Aldnoah zero

  6. より:

    this song is Tri-Lingual if any one is wondering why some words don't sound english or japanse.
    this ones jap-eng-german

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  8. より:

    What's the name of the anime this was made for, causr this songs sounds so families

  9. より:

    I love this song!

  10. より:

    need more of SawanoHiroyuki

  11. より:

    This is my favorite song ❤

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  14. より:

    Everytime I hear this masterpiece i have to cry. this song is a treasure

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  16. より:

    goose bump whole time while listening

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    StraRingChildとRe:I AM

  18. より:

    Mizuki es gran vocalista ella junto con Hiroyuki le dan magia a la música su música te lleva a otro mundo

  19. より:

    This is absolutely fvcking beautifully done!

  20. より:

    One of masterpiece, cant get enough of this song

  21. より:

    i love piano version of this song

  22. より:

    I was surprised at first, I thought it was Daoko in the thumbnail. lol

  23. より:

    Great Aldnoah 0 ❤

  24. より:

    This is so good so so so good .

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  29. より:

    피아노와 노래가 전혀 안어울린다

  30. より:

    なんか澤野さんってZedd感があるしこのfirst takeってFoxesとのClarityのアコースティックバージョンのMVっぽい

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