trying to get banned on every minecraft server…【DaiGoまとめ】

trying to get banned on every minecraft server…


「trying to get banned on every minecraft server…【DaiGoまとめ】」への37件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    i am from planet minecraft and i need op to test out ur server

  2. より:


  3. より:


  4. より:

    I'm bette than u at bedwars:0

  5. より:

    something idk. so i comment what u wante me to comment

  6. より:

    Damn ja voice

  7. より:

    I like to eat

  8. より:

    Ли смотрители нас отдохни нырялки

  9. より:

    why do u even have motion blur?!

  10. より:

    Ur old voice was crap

  11. より:

    Everyone knows ur ip skeppy. Chicago IL right?

  12. より:

    I do the title by just being me

  13. より:

    try to get banned on 2b2t .org

  14. より:

    "family friendly"

  15. より:

    Skeppy ur voice is deep b4, what happened??

  16. より:

    Ur voice has chaged

  17. より:

    Am I the only one that is actually banned from EVERY popular minecraft server?

  18. より:

    yes best vod

  19. より:

    skeppy moment

  20. より:

    Anyone realize the background music is SpongeBob and Caillou?

  21. より:


  22. より:

    what if u don't give u my server's ip

  23. より:

    U are either new to yt or sick lol

  24. より:

    Wtf happened to his voice?

  25. より:


  26. より:

    Poor voice cracked Skeppy:/

  27. より:

    How did u get that motionblur

  28. より:

    ur voice is so dead lol

  29. より:

    2:50 in that server the audio music is cauliiou theme song lololololol
    Skwppy watches caliou and loves caluoi lololololol
    Jk no hate @ skwppy
    I ❤️ skeppy:)

  30. より:

    why is his voice so deep in older videos

  31. より:

    what with his voice

  32. より:

    is the owner online

  33. より:


  34. より:

    When skeppy’s descriptions weren’t all just the title

  35. より:

    Skeppy:iv played here for 3 weeks
    Owner:its new
    Me:my brain hurts

  36. より:

    I thought bbh is here… 🙁
