DIY phone case ideas you need to try! tumblr inspired!【DaiGoまとめ】

DIY iPhone case ideas you need to try! DIY iPhone cases! DIY phone cases for any phone! This tutorial shows you some tumblr …


「DIY phone case ideas you need to try! tumblr inspired!【DaiGoまとめ】」への16件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    I have a Nokia 2v phone but no case can you show me how to make one

  2. より:

    Who s here in 2020?

  3. より:

    That holographic paper ruined my wifi

  4. より:

    Hwo wathing in 2019

  5. より:

    80% of the comments is about pronouncing ADIDAS like stahppppp xD

  6. より:

    what is the song by alessia at 2:40????

  7. より:

    algien abla español no entiendo nada

  8. より:

    She makes the best fit cases ever

  9. より:

    the adidas marble one is super cute

  10. より:

    Como se llama el papel q uso alguien me podría decir??

  11. より:

    I wanna see you and all your family celebrating Christmas

  12. より:

    What Iphone do you have?

  13. より:

    omg awesome video I love all the cases! they’re so tumblr! if you don’t want marker all over your phone you could use pencil to outline

  14. より:

    Love the Adidas case

  15. より:


  16. より:

    just get on with the video
