3-Minute Fundamentals: Option Selects【DaiGoまとめ】

Option Select Vids: Whole Cast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnXYcNgLE5M Zangief: …


「3-Minute Fundamentals: Option Selects【DaiGoまとめ】」への34件のフィードバック

  1. より:

    Man your channel is a gold mine. Please come back

  2. より:

    This vid is still good

  3. より:

    Bro this is extremely good quality for 10 years ago

  4. より:

    Over 9 years old!!!!

  5. より:

    great video, thank you

  6. より:

    Good video just to understand the concept of option select.

  7. より:

    Last active frame of what? 1:26

  8. より:

    so its like plinking?

  9. より:

    Thanks for explaining it step by step! I was really confuse when ever I heard "option select" being used in tournament by the commentators. Now I understand, thank you!

  10. より:

    The music in this video is from shatter's ost if you are wondering

  11. より:

    Good Street fighter Vid! Are you using Camtasia for editing? You should do editing tutorials this vids has a lot of nice features!

  12. より:

    so is basically a bitch move I'm happy SF5 does not include it

  13. より:

    Wow, thanks a lot for this video man, it really made this clear to me. Now I can start understanding the analogies that this have on life lol

  14. より:

    classic Fraud Fighter IV

  15. より:

    i feel like this is cheap. so I can just press 34235 buttons at once and no matter what my opponent does, its a safe move? doesn't anybody else think thats kind of bullshit?
    i did my best to break myself of mashing buttons, and I should have just embraced it?
    so instead of reacting to a situation and crouching and pressing a button, i have like, an 80% chance to punish my opponent if I just crouch + lp + lk? what? it doesn't ever SAY this in the game, you have to look this shit up on the internet? dude, cmon. fix this in SF5
    some comments say "its like playing rock and scissors at the same time"
    well then you're not playing "rock, paper, scissors" right.

  16. より:

    how could u stop doing these videos

  17. より:

    What's a MEATY jab or hit?

  18. より:


  19. より:

    i have no idea what any of this means. I just recently got into playing street fighter (always found too tricky to pull of moves to do the quarter, half or full circle motions).
    But again, i have absolutely no clue what this is all about.

  20. より:

    wow so thats the daigo option select

  21. より:

    I think this would be a lot easier to understand if it was simply not named "option select." The FGC comes up with the absolute stupidest terminology that makes no intuitive sense at all. 

  22. より:

    Great video, but oh my god Vanilla looked TERRIBLE. The character models look like cgi clay.

  23. より:

    I finnaly get it!

  24. より:

    option select is very cheap and should be done away with entirely 

  25. より:

    I still dont get it. 🙁

  26. より:

    Thankfully SF4 doesn't have empty cancels. Buffered OSes won't work games that support that because then you end up just doing the move without the hit, which is unsafe.

  27. より:


  28. より:

    Great video! 

  29. より:

    Fighters shouldn't have option selects like sf4's. Its cheap and it dumbs down mind game play, witch should be the most integral part of fighting (real life and video games). If you recklessly jump in you should be punished, if you recklessly throw out a move on wake up, you should be punished.

  30. より:

    Real stellar work and editing – kudos

  31. より:

    This video is incredibly well put together, I'm surprised I haven't seen it before.

  32. より:

    Amazing tutorial, bro. What I'm REALLY impressed with is the video quality on your game. What are your system specs?

  33. より:

    Question: Can you do an option select on a dpad (controller) as efficient as a joystick?

  34. より:

    I am in the same situation as you. I can link fine in training but it takes time to link in game especially when thinking of everything else. Try focusing on your links more than everything else until you can do it under pressure and with more variables than just a dummy. You may lose more than normal doing this but when you go back to playing normally, hopefully it will be more obvious to you how to get these links down. Also, try to look at your opponent all the time, helps loads for improving
