イム様の恋と、火山地帯でわかる全世界冬眠説!!【ワンピース ネタバレ 考察】イム様の本名はもしかして… !? ポーネグリフの配置には意味があった!? スノーボールアース現象とは?【ワンピースまとめ】

ワンピース ネタバレ 注意! イム様と空白の100年を考察 前回はこちらです https://youtu.be/WcDDn1K5V0A ユデロンです!


「イム様の恋と、火山地帯でわかる全世界冬眠説!!【ワンピース ネタバレ 考察】イム様の本名はもしかして… !? ポーネグリフの配置には意味があった!? スノーボールアース現象とは?【ワンピースまとめ】」への17件のフィードバック

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    He was dumped by Osome?
    queen's Ice Oni is a clue?
    Queen = Queen Im ?

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    Plate tectonics, we all know them if you have been in 6th grade science class, ya know there the big ass chunky rock plates that make up our crust and there are like 7 of the, yea yea we know. And i am sure ya'll also know that these badboys are responsible for like every natural disaster that isnt weather based.

    So this theory is stating that the plate tectonics in the One Piece world are like really really really damn strong, like they are tough as fuck compared to our plates. So i mean the proof that they have plates like we do is there, since they have volcanoes, mountains, islands, and the Gura Gura no mi, so yea we pretty much know they have a crust very similar to us, and also we know they have a mantle since well duh, they have volcanoes and Akainu's fruit. And also they probably have a similar core like us since they have day and night cycles like our own.

    Now the theory gets interesting when you realize how much damage these things take. Now i mean think about Dressrosa, it had a massive bird cage cutting up the island while Zoro was slicing up a god damn skyscraper high stone giant and those piece fell down while Luffy attacked with the might to level half an island, and all the other fighting happening over there, yea that causes a lot of stress on the plates, i mean like in areas of the real world were explosions are common, there are frequent small earth quakes that happen, but that insane amount of constant stress on an island would defiantly cause some sort of tsunami or earth quake or some seismic activity, but nope the plates just tanked it. But the most damning thing is Punk Hazard. So in Punk Hazard the facility is destroyed and crumbles down and shit right, well remember Punk Hazard is the same place that has a shit ton of active volcanoes on the other end of it, so that means it is like right on a big as divergent boundary, yet when the facility crumbled in on itself violently, nothing happened. Thats like if you went to Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii and then dropped a giant ass factory right there next to the volcano right before it erupted, like that would cause insane volcanic eruption, if the plates were like ours then the Straw hats wouldn't be celebrating with G-5, no they would be running away from a massive cloud of ash and fire. I mean this could be just plot holes and shit which are common in fiction, but its more fun to act like its because the plates are strong as fuck.

    OH well thats my theory, idk i got bored of all the 'Shanks is actually Roger's left pinkie toe" theories so instead i did a cool scientific theory because science is cool.

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    hmm YUDE-RON SAN can luffy kill naruto by turning him into rubber and change his brain shape and turn it to normal._.

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