


  1. より:


  2. より:


  3. より:


  4. より:

    1:38 Do these dashcams automatically upload stuff to the government? If I did something that idiotic, I'd delete the file, not upload it to the internet for the whole world to laugh at me!

  5. より:

    0:43 Look at him! He's in a coma! Absolutely unaware of what's going on in his close proximity. Brain, off.

  6. より:

    0:16 I'm gonna wait, I'm gonna wait, I'm gonna wait, I'm gonna wait, I'm gonna wait… Nah, F__K it, I'm gonna pull out!

  7. より:

    Need any more proof Chinese tires suck?

  8. より:

    Some common sense a little curtesy and light braking would stop most of this. Welcome to the Chinese culture where nobody can see anyone else.

  9. より:

    This is what happens when you take a country where very few were allowed to have a vehicle, and in just a couple of decades give them modern vehicles which have a lot of power and minimal training. Not good.

  10. より:


  11. より:

    Horn to camel? Stupid

  12. より:

    我草 第二个那就是故意的

  13. より:

    Clip #10: Why is he complaining about losing his rear-view mirror? They don't use them anyway.

  14. より:

    Clip #4: I'll teach you high-society folk driving on our bad rural roads. Stay home!!!

  15. より:


  16. より:

    надоже 🙂 в Китає оказивается разрешают водить автомобиль идиотам

  17. より:

    It's interesting for Chinese to drive like a Mario cart.

  18. より:


  19. より:

    0:42 為什麼左邊路上一堆坑洞?

  20. より:

    遇动物不能按喇叭 驾照买的 鉴定完毕

  21. より:

    Blind and arrogant not a great combination.

  22. より:


  23. より:

    The country of the Blind. Story by H.G. Wells.

  24. より:


  25. より:

    2:21 absolutely brilliant.

  26. より:

    Why are these people so stupid? Are they blind?

  27. より:

    3:00 這個阿婆似乎還不知道自己剛撿回一條命。

  28. より:

    慢速也打滑 車架太差

  29. より:

